asjqkkkk / markdown_widget

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Custom checkBox align issue #157

Open OpenJarvisAI opened 7 months ago

OpenJarvisAI commented 7 months ago

I am using a custom checkBox config:

CheckBoxConfig getCheckBoxConfig(Function(bool?) onChanged) {
  return CheckBoxConfig(builder: (checked) {
    return Padding(
      // padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8, left: 4),
      child: SizedBox(
        width: 32,
        height: 32,
        child: Checkbox(
            value: checked,
            // value: true,
            materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap,
            visualDensity: VisualDensity.standard,
                RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(56)),
            side: BorderSide(color: Colors.grey.shade300, width: 2),
            activeColor: Colors.yellow,
            onChanged: onChanged),

I found no matter how I do, if I align the CheckBox with text (sizedBox 24) when I can not preceise click it on Mobile, if using width 32, the it can not align perfectly with text.


asjqkkkk commented 7 months ago

Hi @OpenJarvisAI , If CheckBoxConfig cannot meet your usage requirements, you may need to customize the InputNode to control its width, height, and padding. Refer to its original implementation: InputNode.

OpenJarvisAI commented 7 months ago

@asjqkkkk Hi, I customized the checkBox but I found the size are not center aligned compare to text after it

asjqkkkk commented 7 months ago

Hi @OpenJarvisAI , the Checkbox itself comes with padding by default. You need to remove the padding of the Checkbox itself first. Please refer to this link: Alternatively, you can customize a Checkbox, for example:

      checked ? Icons.check_box : Icons.check_box_outline_blank,
      size: 20,
OpenJarvisAI commented 7 months ago

@asjqkkkk I have tried using sizedBox constraint it, but then the question would be using hand to touch it on mobile is not accurate any more.

I don't know it's the span align issue in markdown_widget or checkbox it self, but at least in my app other place using checkbox, not even how tiny it is, it can be touched correctly.

I hope you would take some test on it. thanks.

asjqkkkk commented 7 months ago

@OpenJarvisAI Have tried to update the checked value?

just like this:


if you use the checked value to display Checkbox, you need update it after the Checkbox been touched

or hold the checked value in other ways, such as:

  return CheckBoxConfig(builder: (v) {
    return Checkbox(
            value: DataHolder().checked,
            onChanged: (v) {
               DataHolder().checked = !DataHolder().checked;
            } ),
OpenJarvisAI commented 7 months ago

@asjqkkkk Mine would be a little complicated, I placed whole markdownwidget in a chat bubble which can be cosntrainted


this my custom config:

CheckBoxConfig getCheckBoxConfig(Function(bool?) onChanged) {
  return CheckBoxConfig(builder: (checked) {
    return Padding(
      padding: const EdgeInsets.only(right: 8, left: 4),
      // padding:,
      child: SizedBox(
        width: 25,
        height: 25,
        child: Checkbox(
            value: checked,
            // value: true,
            materialTapTargetSize: MaterialTapTargetSize.shrinkWrap,
            visualDensity: VisualDensity.standard,
                RoundedRectangleBorder(borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(56)),
            side: BorderSide(color: Colors.grey.shade300, width: 2),
            activeColor: Colors.yellow,
            onChanged: onChanged),

As you can see,

no matter I adjust it, the checkbox always have issues

OpenJarvisAI commented 7 months ago

BTW, I found a bug , the checkbox config can only have a callback, then if I have a list of checkbox, how to know which checkbox clicked?

asjqkkkk commented 7 months ago

@OpenJarvisAI 我们还是用中文来交流吧

OpenJarvisAI commented 7 months ago

@asjqkkkk 我认为你误解我的意思,我的UI checkbox可以点击,只是点击的位置并不在checkbox的正中央,偏下。我也不知道为啥。我也已经实现了点击更新数据,可以check,只是目前这个没有对齐的问题很苦恼


第二点,确实不能称之为bug,这个可以被认为是一个feature request,看起来在设计上,存在一些缺陷(或者说不足)。




asjqkkkk commented 7 months ago

@OpenJarvisAI 过于Checkbox的偏移问题,可以参考一下这个

Checkbox这个Widget本身自带一些padding,想要完全的去掉它可以参考一下链接中的解决方案 不过我建议是不要使用Checkbox,因为它在padding这一块不可控,可以尝试结合InkWell+Icon或者Gesture+Icon来自定义一个Checkbox

OpenJarvisAI commented 7 months ago

这里面提供的方案就是SizedBox,我已经是使用了sizedbox,不行。 无法按照期望的调试。


得是inline,跟text要比较好的连接, 类似于telegram,聊天文字,末尾加一个时间和已读的widget。目前我试了在外面加column和row是不可能的,会浪费很多空间

asjqkkkk commented 7 months ago

这里面提供的方案就是SizedBox,我已经是使用了sizedbox,不行。 无法按照期望的调试。


得是inline,跟text要比较好的连接, 类似于telegram,聊天文字,末尾加一个时间和已读的widget。目前我试了在外面加column和row是不可能的,会浪费很多空间



如果你想要的效果是【aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa xxx】可以参考README中“Custom tag implementation”的部分

如果你想实现的是类似于飞书、钉钉那种,一个消息块后面跟着一个【已读或未读】,那应该是就是通过Row(MarkdownBlock + YourWidget)的形式


OpenJarvisAI commented 7 months ago

跟markdown关系不大,但是要开拓更广阔的应用前景,拼接span似乎是不可避免的, Row是不行的,必须是span的方式连接,我还是建议你多听一点用户反馈的意见,否则库走不长远,逐渐也就没有人用了。