askap-craco / CELEBI

The CRAFT Effortless Localisation and Enhanced Burst Inspection Pipeline
MIT License
4 stars 2 forks source link

SCHED failing in load_coarse_dynspecs #470

Open d-r-scott opened 1 year ago

d-r-scott commented 1 year ago

Encountered for FRB200906. Maybe due to bad antenna?

Final error message:

python3 /fred/oz002/askap/craft/craco/CELEBI/beamform/ -d /fred/oz002/askap/craft/craco/processing/data/200906/frb --parset /fred/oz002/askap/craft/craco/processing/data/200906/fcm.txt --calcfile c1_f0/ -o 200906_ICS --ics --cpus=8 --pol=X --an=0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/fred/oz002/askap/craft/craco/CELEBI/beamform/", line 826, in <module>
  File "/fred/oz002/askap/craft/craco/CELEBI/beamform/", line 43, in _main
    calcresults = ResultsFile(values.calcfile)
  File "/fred/oz002/askap/craft/craco/craft-python/", line 192, in __init__
    with open(self.fname, 'rU') as f:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'c1_f0/'

SCHED error in askap2difx:

 * SOURCE='CRAFTSRC' RA=[RA] DEC=[DEC] REMARKS='Beam centre for dumped voltage data' /
 +++ERROR+++ Not a valid number
SRFINISH: CRAFTSRC     not in catalogs, ephemeris or satellite file.
                       No planetary ephemeris specified.
                       No satellite info specified.
      Note some source names have changed.  Look for close matches.

SRFINISH: Missing sources.
d-r-scott commented 1 year ago

craftfrb.key file looks fine when compared to working run for 210117

adamdeller commented 1 year ago

Does the key file have actual numbers in the line SOURCE='CRAFTSRC' RA=[RA] DEC=[DEC] ? Or does it have [RA] and [DEC]? I'm guessing the latter, and that is why sched is then barfing. Can you point to the key file on ozstar?