askedrelic / django-book

A revival of Django Book, the comprehensive guide to Django, overhauling it for Django 1.4 compatibility
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Fixed 'Next Chapter' URLs at the bottom of pages #1

Closed esacteksab closed 12 years ago

esacteksab commented 12 years ago

I noticed on the RTD pages as well as from source, the 'next chapter' urls weren't defined correctly. I fixed those.

Also, I started to fix 'Chapter XX' URLs in the book's text. Perhaps you want these, perhaps not. I didn't go any further than Chapter01.rst before I know if this is something you'd like in the book.

disclaimer First EVER pull request, so perhaps I did this wrong, or my blabbering here is not the right place for this. By all means, blast away! I'm prepared to get my n00b @$$ handed to me.

askedrelic commented 12 years ago

:cake: Sweet, thanks for the contribution! No worries on style, this project is pretty young still and free form still.

Where I was thinking of going with things (and I haven't really written that down anywhere) is to 1) remove any blatantly deprecated 1.1/1.3 content 2) index any content worth specifically updating for 1.4 3) figure out new 1.4 things worth adding

If you want to keep updating links, please do. If anything of points above show up, maybe update those?

esacteksab commented 12 years ago

I'll try and spend some time over the weekend. Spent the last few months in a 1.4 project and ran into a few "New in 1.4" and a occasionally ran into the book and was like "this doesn't work anymore!"