Closed stevekm closed 1 month ago
I think this is related to this issue however the main difference that I still want to check for the existence of the files, just not their md5
I was in a somewhat similar situation and resorted to the following logic for the orthofinder module:
assert process.success
def all_files = []
file(process.out.orthofinder[0][1]).eachFileRecurse (FileType.FILES) { file ->
all_files << file
def all_file_names = all_files.collect { }.sort(false)
def stable_file_names = [
def stable_files = all_files.findAll { in stable_file_names }
assert snapshot(
).match() has this functionality
I think nft-utils is the best way to implement this logic, so I am closing this issue.
I am trying to avoid taking the md5sum for some files in my snapshot.
I found this example of one potential method that was shared online here, which I have modified as such;
It works to exclude the files with the listed suffixes, but the snapshot now only contains a list of files, no md5's for the remaining files in the list. Also, I realized that what I really wanted was to just exclude only the md5 from the files with inconsistent hashes, instead of removing them entirely. Not sure how to implement that. Can we have a feature that just builds this in to the nf-test directly?