Closed utimcraig closed 6 years ago
This is my current binance.js file:
`const moment = require('moment'); const util = require('../core/util'); const _ = require('lodash'); const log = require('../core/log');
const Binance = require('binance');
var Trader = function(config) { _.bindAll(this);
if (_.isObject(config)) { this.key = config.key; this.secret = config.secret; this.currency = config.currency.toUpperCase(); this.asset = config.asset.toUpperCase(); }
this.pair = this.asset + this.currency; = 'binance';
this.binance = new Binance.BinanceRest({ key: this.key, secret: this.secret, timeout: 15000, recvWindow: 60000, // suggested by binance disableBeautification: false, // better field names }); };
var recoverableErrors = new RegExp( /(SOCKETTIMEDOUT|TIMEDOUT|CONNRESET|CONNREFUSED|NOTFOUND|API:Invalid nonce|between Cloudflare and the origin web server)/ );
Trader.prototype.retry = function(method, args, error) { if (!error || !error.message.match(recoverableErrors)) { log.error('[binance.js] ',, 'returned an irrecoverable error'); return; }
var wait = +moment.duration(5, 'seconds'); log.debug( '[binance.js] (retry) ',, 'returned an error, retrying..' );
var self = this;
// make sure the callback (and any other fn) // is bound to Trader .each(args, function(arg, i) { if (.isFunction(arg)) args[i] = _.bind(arg, self); });
// run the failed method again with the same // arguments after wait setTimeout(function() { method.apply(self, args); }, wait); };
Trader.prototype.getTrades = function(since, callback, descending) { var args = _.toArray(arguments);
var process = function(err, data) { if (!err && !_.isEmpty(data.msg)) err = new Error(data.msg);
if (err) {
log.error('[binance.js] error getting trades', err);
return this.retry(this.getTrades, args, err);
var parsedTrades = [];
function(trade) {
tid: trade.aggTradeId,
date: moment(trade.timestamp).unix(),
price: parseFloat(trade.price),
amount: parseFloat(trade.quantity),
if (descending) callback(null, parsedTrades.reverse());
else callback(null, parsedTrades);
var reqData = { symbol: this.pair, };
if (since) { var endTs = moment(since) .add(1, 'd') .valueOf(); var nowTs = moment().valueOf();
reqData.startTime = moment(since).valueOf();
reqData.endTime = endTs > nowTs ? nowTs : endTs;
this.binance.aggTrades(reqData, _.bind(process, this)); };
Trader.prototype.getPortfolio = function(callback) { var args = _.toArray(arguments); var setBalance = function(err, data) { log.debug( '[binance.js] entering "setBalance" callback after api call, err:', err, ' data:', data );
if (!err && !_.isEmpty(data.msg)) err = new Error(data.msg);
if (err) {
log.error('[binance.js] ', err);
return this.retry(this.getPortfolio, args, err);
var findAsset = function(item) {
return item.asset === this.asset;
var assetAmount = parseFloat(_.find(data.balances, _.bind(findAsset, this)).free);
var findCurrency = function(item) {
return item.asset === this.currency;
var currencyAmount = parseFloat(_.find(data.balances, _.bind(findCurrency, this)).free);
if (!_.isNumber(assetAmount) || _.isNaN(assetAmount)) {
`Binance did not return portfolio for ${this.asset}, assuming 0.`
assetAmount = 0;
if (!_.isNumber(currencyAmount) || _.isNaN(currencyAmount)) {
`Binance did not return portfolio for ${this.currency}, assuming 0.`
currencyAmount = 0;
var portfolio = [
{ name: this.asset, amount: assetAmount },
{ name: this.currency, amount: currencyAmount },
return callback(err.message, portfolio);
this.binance.account({}, _.bind(setBalance, this)); };
// This uses the base maker fee (0.1%), and does not account for BNB discounts Trader.prototype.getFee = function(callback) { var makerFee = 0.1; callback(false, makerFee / 100); };
Trader.prototype.getTicker = function(callback) { var setTicker = function(err, data) { log.debug( '[binance.js] entering "getTicker" callback after api call, err:', err, ' data:', data );
if (!err && !_.isEmpty(data.msg)) err = new Error(data.msg);
if (err)
return log.error(
'[binance.js] unable to get ticker',
var findSymbol = function(ticker) {
return ticker.symbol === this.pair;
var result = _.find(data, _.bind(findSymbol, this));
var ticker = {
ask: parseFloat(result.askPrice),
bid: parseFloat(result.bidPrice),
callback(err.message, ticker);
// Not exposed by the API yet, have to do it the hard way this.binance.makeRequest( {}, .bind(setTicker, this), 'ticker/allBookTickers' ); };
// Effectively counts the number of decimal places, so 0.001 or 0.234 results in 3 Trader.prototype.getPrecision = function(tickSize) { if (!isFinite(tickSize)) return 0; var e = 1, p = 0; while (Math.round(tickSize e) / e !== tickSize) { e = 10; p++; } return p; };
Trader.prototype.roundAmount = function(amount, tickSize) { var precision = 100000000; var t = this.getPrecision(tickSize);
if(Number.isInteger(t)) precision = Math.pow(10, t);
amount *= precision; amount = Math.floor(amount); amount /= precision; return amount; };
Trader.prototype.addOrder = function(tradeType, amount, price, callback) { var args = _.toArray(arguments);
var findMarket = function(market) { return market.pair[0] === this.currency && market.pair[1] === this.asset } var market = .find(Trader.getCapabilities().markets, .bind(findMarket, this)); amount = Math.max(this.roundAmount(amount, market.minimalOrder.amount), market.minimalOrder.amount); price = Math.max(this.roundAmount(price, market.precision), market.precision);
log.debug( '[binance.js] (addOrder)', tradeType.toUpperCase(), amount, this.asset, '@', price, this.currency );
var setOrder = function(err, data) { log.debug( '[binance.js] entering "setOrder" callback after api call, err:', err, ' data:', data );
if (!err && !_.isEmpty(data.msg)) err = new Error(data.msg);
if (err) {
log.error('[binance.js] unable to ' + tradeType.toLowerCase(), err);
return this.retry(this.addOrder, args, err);
var txid = data.orderId;
log.debug('added order with txid:', txid);
callback(undefined, txid);
this.binance.newOrder( { symbol: this.pair, side: tradeType.toUpperCase(), type: 'LIMIT', timeInForce: 'GTC', // Good to cancel (I think, not really covered in docs, but is default) quantity: amount, price: price, timestamp: new Date().getTime() }, _.bind(setOrder, this) ); };
Trader.prototype.getOrder = function(order, callback) { var get = function(err, data) { log.debug( '[binance.js] entering "getOrder" callback after api call, err:', err, ' data:', data );
if (!err && !_.isEmpty(data.msg)) err = new Error(data.msg);
if (err)
return log.error(
'[binance.js] unable to get order',
var price = parseFloat(data.price);
var amount = parseFloat(data.executedQty);
var date = moment.unix(data.time);
callback(undefined, { price, amount, date });
this.binance.queryOrder( { symbol: this.pair, orderId: order, }, get ); }; = function(amount, price, callback) { this.addOrder('buy', amount, price, callback); };
Trader.prototype.sell = function(amount, price, callback) { this.addOrder('sell', amount, price, callback); };
Trader.prototype.checkOrder = function(order, callback) { var check = function(err, data) { log.debug( '[binance.js] entering "checkOrder" callback after api call, err:', err, ' data:', data );
if (!err && !_.isEmpty(data.msg)) err = new Error(data.msg);
if (err)
return log.error(
'[binance.js] Unable to check order',
var stillThere =
data.status === 'NEW' || data.status === 'PARTIALLY_FILLED';
callback(err.message, !stillThere);
this.binance.queryOrder( { symbol: this.pair, orderId: order, }, _.bind(check, this) ); };
Trader.prototype.cancelOrder = function(order, callback) { var args = _.toArray(arguments); var cancel = function(err, data) { log.debug( '[binance.js] entering "cancelOrder" callback after api call, err:', err, ' data:', data );
if (!err && !_.isEmpty(data.msg)) err = new Error(data.msg);
if (err) {
'[binance.js] unable to cancel order',
return this.retry(this.cancelOrder, args, err);
this.binance.cancelOrder( { symbol: this.pair, orderId: order, }, _.bind(cancel, this) ); };
Trader.getCapabilities = function() { return { name: 'Binance', slug: 'binance', currencies: ['BTC', 'BNB', 'ETH', 'USDT'], assets: [ 'BTC', 'BCC', 'BCG', 'BNB', 'DASH', 'ETH', 'ETC', 'EOS', 'NEO', 'OMG', 'POWR', 'QTUM', 'TRX', 'XRP', 'XLM', 'ZEC', ], markets: [ //
//Tradeable againt BTC
pair: ['BTC', 'BCC'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.001, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.000001,
pair: ['BTC', 'BNB'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 1, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.00000001,
pair: ['BTC', 'DASH'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.001, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.000001,
pair: ['BTC', 'ETH'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.001, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.000001,
pair: ['BTC', 'ETC'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.01, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.000001,
pair: ['BTC', 'EOS'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 1.0, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.00000001,
pair: ['BTC', 'NEO'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.01, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.000001,
pair: ['BTC', 'OMG'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.01, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.000001,
pair: ['BTC', 'POWR'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.01, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.00000001,
pair: ['BTC', 'QTUM'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.01, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.000001,
pair: ['BTC', 'TRX'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.00001, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.01,
pair: ['BTC', 'XRP'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.00001, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.01,
pair: ['BTC', 'XLM'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.00001, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.01,
pair: ['BTC', 'ZEC'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.001, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.000001,
//Tradeable againt BNB
pair: ['BNB', 'BCC'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.00001, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.01,
pair: ['BNB', 'NEO'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.001, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.001,
//Tradeable againt ETH
pair: ['ETH', 'BCC'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.001, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.00001,
pair: ['ETH', 'BNB'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 1.0, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.00000001,
pair: ['ETH', 'DASH'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.001, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.00001,
pair: ['ETH', 'ETC'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.01, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.000001,
pair: ['ETH', 'EOS'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.01, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.000001,
pair: ['ETH', 'NEO'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.01, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.000001,
pair: ['ETH', 'OMG'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.01, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.000001,
pair: ['ETH', 'POWR'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 1, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.00000001,
pair: ['ETH', 'QTUM'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.01, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.000001,
pair: ['ETH', 'ZEC'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.001, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 00001,
//Tradeable againt USDT
pair: ['USDT', 'BTC'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.000001, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.01,
pair: ['USDT', 'BCC'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.00001, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.01,
pair: ['USDT', 'BNB'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.01, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.01,
pair: ['USDT', 'ETH'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.00001, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.01,
pair: ['USDT', 'NEO'],
minimalOrder: { amount: 0.001, unit: 'asset' },
precision: 0.01,
requires: ['key', 'secret'],
providesHistory: 'date',
providesFullHistory: true,
tid: 'tid',
tradable: true,
}; };
module.exports = Trader; `
Just uncomment these lines and it will work:
An additional PR (#1700) has been created to be able to use all binance coins till #1550 is merged.
I am new to Gekko. Can someone tell me how to add additional coins from Binance to Gekko? Does the above script work or not?
This thread is very old. For anyone still looking:
I would like to have all the additional coins from binance able to be imported in the gui, a bunch of them are missing at the moment.
Note: for support questions, please join our Discord server
I'm submitting a ... [ ] bug report [x ] feature request [ ] question about the decisions made in the repository
Action taken (what you did) I tried to fix this by adding the tickers in line 408 of exchanges\binance.js Trader.getCapabilities = function() { return { name: 'Binance', slug: 'binance', currencies: ['BTC', 'BNB', 'ETH', 'USDT'], assets: [ 'BTC', 'BCC', 'BCG', 'BNB', 'DASH', 'ETH', 'ETC', 'EOS', 'NEO', 'OMG', 'POWR', 'QTUM', 'ZEC', 'TRX', 'XRP', 'XLM', ],
and to line 469 I added { pair: ['BTC', 'TRX'], minimalOrder: { amount: 0.00001, unit: 'asset' }, precision: 0.01, }, { pair: ['BTC', 'XRP'], minimalOrder: { amount: 0.00001, unit: 'asset' }, precision: 0.01, }, { pair: ['BTC', 'XLM'], minimalOrder: { amount: 0.00001, unit: 'asset' }, precision: 0.01, },
Expected result (what you hoped would happen) I wanted to be able to use the gui importer to import data on the coins TRX, XLM, XRP ( and others)
Actual result (unexpected outcome) I get a popup in the gui with the error: IMPORT ERROR: Child process has died.
In the console I get: C:\Users\tlmcr\Desktop\gekko-stable\exchanges\binance.js:35 if (!error || !error.message.match(recoverableErrors)) { ^
TypeError: Cannot read property 'match' of undefined at Trader.retry (C:\Users\tlmcr\Desktop\gekko-stable\exchanges\binance.js:35:32) at Trader.bound [as retry] (C:\Users\tlmcr\Desktop\gekko-stable\node_modules\lodash\dist\lodash.js:729:21) at Trader.process (C:\Users\tlmcr\Desktop\gekko-stable\exchanges\binance.js:70:19) at bound (C:\Users\tlmcr\Desktop\gekko-stable\node_modules\lodash\dist\lodash.js:729:21) at Request.request [as _callback] (C:\Users\tlmcr\Desktop\gekko-stable\node_modules\binance\lib\rest.js:52:21) at Request.self.callback (C:\Users\tlmcr\Desktop\gekko-stable\node_modules\request\request.js:188:22) at emitTwo (events.js:126:13) at Request.emit (events.js:214:7) at Request. (C:\Users\tlmcr\Desktop\gekko-stable\node_modules\request\request.js:1171:10)
at emitOne (events.js:116:13)
Child process has died.