Closed stellarossadibelgrado closed 5 years ago
i found this error in the console
TypeError: Cannot read property 'markets' of undefined at a.currencies (marketpicker.vue:74) at un.Kw5r.un.get (vue.runtime.esm.js:3138) at un.Kw5r.un.evaluate (vue.runtime.esm.js:3245) at a.currencies (vue.runtime.esm.js:3503) at a.n (marketpicker.vue?d701:1) at a.t._render (vue.runtime.esm.js:4540) at a.r (vue.runtime.esm.js:2784) at un.Kw5r.un.get (vue.runtime.esm.js:3138) at (vue.runtime.esm.js:3215) at tn (vue.runtime.esm.js:2977) Qt @ vue.runtime.esm.js:1737 Yt @ vue.runtime.esm.js:1728 Jt @ vue.runtime.esm.js:1717 t._render @ vue.runtime.esm.js:4542 r @ vue.runtime.esm.js:2784 Kw5r.un.get @ vue.runtime.esm.js:3138 @ vue.runtime.esm.js:3215 tn @ vue.runtime.esm.js:2977 (anonymous) @ vue.runtime.esm.js:1833 ie @ vue.runtime.esm.js:1754 Promise.then (async) te @ vue.runtime.esm.js:1802 le @ vue.runtime.esm.js:1846 on @ vue.runtime.esm.js:3064 Kw5r.un.update @ vue.runtime.esm.js:3205 @ vue.runtime.esm.js:693 set @ vue.runtime.esm.js:1010 Rt @ vue.runtime.esm.js:1032 D @ mutations.js:9 (anonymous) @ vuex.esm.js:697 (anonymous) @ vuex.esm.js:389 (anonymous) @ vuex.esm.js:388 L2JU.d.withCommit @ vuex.esm.js:495 L2JU.d.commit @ vuex.esm.js:387 commit @ vuex.esm.js:335 (anonymous) @ sync.js:41 (anonymous) @ ajax.js:14 .callback @ client.js:611 (anonymous) @ client.js:438 r.emit @ index.js:133 e.onreadystatechange @ client.js:705 XMLHttpRequest.send (async) _.end @ client.js:772 .end @ client.js:676 l @ ajax.js:29 _ @ sync.js:40 y @ sync.js:52 w @ init.js:13 S.b.onopen @ ws.js:39 (anonymous) @ reconnecting-websocket.min.js:2 h.onopen @ reconnecting-websocket.min.js:2
please thats a good software i want to use it help me
install exchange dependencies
cd exchange npm i --only=production
i got this error when i tried to download the exchange dependencies
sry there was a typo in my answer its: --only=production (no space between tags - -) read the documentation going forwards
i read everything and as you can see in the photo i tried in the right way the second time but i continue getting the same error.
@stellarossadibelgrado As mentioned above, you (also) need to be inside the exchange folder and do yarn --only=production
So, try running yarn --only=production
inside /gekko and /gekko/exchange. That's not specified in the documentation but worked for me.
This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions. If you feel this is very a important issue please reach out the maintainer of this project directly via e-mail: gekko at mvr dot me.
Note: this is the technical bug tracker, please use other platforms for getting support and starting a (non technical) discussion. See the getting help page for details.
I'm submitting a ... [ ] bug report
Action taken (what you did) i try to aceed to the importer
Expected result (what you hoped would happen) i try to selelct the market using the form under the write market
Actual result (unexpected outcome) there wasnt any form no exchange +, no asset no currencie
Other information i cant use gekko at all with this problem. i cant even access to the market form in live trading so im not able to do anything. please help me to solve this problem