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Cannot read properties of undefined ( reading: 'title') in Vitepress #701

Closed DominusKelvin closed 1 month ago

DominusKelvin commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug

When I use the Orama plugin for Vitepress on Sailscasts Docs I get an error on the console that Cannot read properties of undefined ( reading: 'title')

To Reproduce

  1. Initialize the Orama plugin for Vitepress.
  2. Make a search

Expected behavior

I expected for Orama to not error out for pages that don't have title

Environment Info

Node: v21.7.1
@orama/plugin-vitepress: 2.0.16

Affected areas


Additional context

CleanShot 2024-04-17 at 17 57 40@2x

SaraVieira commented 1 month ago


Sorry about that, I just made a PR that will fix this error and it will be available in the next version

DominusKelvin commented 1 month ago

Thanks @SaraVieira and FYI, I think the problem still persist as I still receive the error even after upgrading to 2.0.18

CleanShot 2024-05-20 at 09 12 24@2x

SaraVieira commented 1 month ago

There hasn't been a new one after my PR, let me ask today for a new release