Closed asktechsupport closed 3 months ago
#📁ADServerReporter Variables
$servers = Get-ADComputer -filter * -Properties * | select Name #Server names
$getsvc = Get-Service -Name $ServiceName | select DisplayName,Status #Services
$showdomainname = Get-ADDomain | select DNSRoot -ExpandProperty DNSRoot
$getlatestupdates = gwmi win32_quickfixengineering |sort installedon -desc
$ patchedservers = Get-ADComputer -Filter {(OperatingSystem-like "* windows * server *") -and (Enabled -eq "True")} -Properties OperatingSystem | Sort Name | select -Unique Name
foreach ($ server in $ patchedservers) {
write-host $ server.Name
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ server.Name -ScriptBlock {
(New-Object -com "Microsoft.Update.AutoUpdate"). Results}
$gethotfix = Get-HotFix -Description Security* -ComputerName $servers | select Source,Description,HotFixID,InstalledBy,InstalledOn | Sort-Object -Property InstalledOn
#🔧Report Features
#Creates Excel application
$excel = New-Object -ComObject excel.application
#Makes Excel Visible
$excel.Application.Visible = $true
$excel.DisplayAlerts = $false
#Creates Excel workBook
$book = $excel.Workbooks.Add()
#Adds worksheets
#gets the work sheet and Names it
$sheet = $book.Worksheets.Item(1)
$ = 'ServerList'
#Select a worksheet
$sheet.Activate() | Out-Null
#Create a row and set it to Row 1
$row = 1
#Create a Column Variable and set it to column 1
$column = 1
#Add the title and change the Font of the word
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = "Server List - $showdomainname.DNSRoot"
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Name = "Arial"
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Size = 11
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.ColorIndex = 16
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Interior.ColorIndex = 2
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).HorizontalAlignment = -4108
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Bold = $true
#Merge the cells
$range = $sheet.Range("A1:c1").Merge() | Out-Null
#Move to the next row
#Create Intial row so you can add borders later
$initalRow = $row
#create Headers for your sheet
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = "Hostname"
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Size = 11
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.ColorIndex = 1
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Interior.ColorIndex = 48
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Bold = $true
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = "FQDN"
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Size = 11
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.ColorIndex = 1
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Interior.ColorIndex = 48
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Bold = $true
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = "IP Address"
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Size = 11
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.ColorIndex = 1
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Interior.ColorIndex = 48
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Bold = $true
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = "Description"
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Size = 11
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.ColorIndex = 1
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Interior.ColorIndex = 48
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Bold = $true
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = "Operating System"
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Size = 11
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.ColorIndex = 1
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Interior.ColorIndex = 48
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Bold = $true
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = "Primary Application"
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Size = 11
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.ColorIndex = 1
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Interior.ColorIndex = 48
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Bold = $true
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = "Secondary Application"
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Size = 11
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.ColorIndex = 1
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Interior.ColorIndex = 48
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Bold = $true
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = "Project Manager"
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Size = 11
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.ColorIndex = 1
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Interior.ColorIndex = 48
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Bold = $true
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = "Project Name"
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Size = 11
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.ColorIndex = 1
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Interior.ColorIndex = 48
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Bold = $true
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = "HotFixID"
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Size = 11
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.ColorIndex = 1
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Interior.ColorIndex = 48
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Bold = $true
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = "Installed On"
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Size = 11
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.ColorIndex = 1
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Interior.ColorIndex = 48
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column).Font.Bold = $true
#Now that the headers are done we go down a row and back to column 1
$column = 1
#Get Server Properties
foreach($i in $servers){
$info = Get-ADComputer -Identity $($ -Properties Name, DNSHostName, ipv4address, Description, OperatingSystem
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = $info.Name
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = $info.DNSHostName
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = $info.ipv4address
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = $info.Description
$sheet.Cells.Item($row,$column) = $info.OperatingSystem
$column = 1
foreach($i in $gethotfix){
$info = Get-HotFix -Identity $($ -Properties Source,Description,HotFixID,InstalledBy,InstalledOn
$dataRange = $sheet.Range(("A{0}" -f $initalRow),("m{0}" -f $row))
7..12 | ForEach {
$dataRange.Borders.Item($_).LineStyle = 1
$dataRange.Borders.Item($_).Weight = 2
#Fits cells to size
$UsedRange = $sheet.UsedRange
$UsedRange.EntireColumn.autofit() | Out-Null
out of date
AD Server Reporting Tool #96
How to add additional columns 1) Find this line #📁create Headers for your sheet 2) Copy from the Copy from the $column++ variable to the end of the .Font.Bold = $true variable 3) Rename the strings which are denoted in double quotes, e.g. "Hostname"
add additional server properties 1) Find this line #📁Get Server Properties to fill out the worksheet columns 2) Copy from the $column++ variable to the end of the $info. variable
3) Check the new property you need to add using Get-ADComputer -Properties
4) Add to the $info variable after '-Properties', comma separated