askvictor / SendToSqueezebox

3 stars 5 forks source link

added options to play, add to playlist or play next and small fixes #5

Open roberteinhaus opened 6 years ago

roberteinhaus commented 6 years ago

updated dev dependencies for newer android studio version removed many warnings implements #3

askvictor commented 6 years ago

Hi Robert,

Thanks for the PR! I'm not doing much in the way of maintenance of this project anymore, but I'll endeavour to have a look soon. However, are you interested in becoming a maintainer/contributor? I'm not sure how the Google Play thing would work with mulitple devs, and if you'd want to remove the fee that's currently in place (I mostly put in a fee to recoup the costs of getting a Google Play dev licence), or keep it as a minor reward for any future work.


roberteinhaus commented 6 years ago

Hi Victor,

I am actually not coming from android development. I just had the same idea for a sharing plugin and found yours. Then I tinkered around with it to get this add-to-playlist-thing working, since I desperately needed that and thought that you might want to have a look. So I am not really into this whole android and play store thing right now, but I might give it a try if you like. Actually I had some ideas while working on this like switching to the rest-api, which is preferred by the lms devs or adding some more url parsers, especially for alternative youtube apps for music browsing.

Maybe we can discuss that via email instead of at this pull request. :)

BR, Robert

askvictor commented 6 years ago

I'm not really an android dev either ;) this was first and only android project.

Feel free to put any ideas in the issue tracker. Happy to discuss everything else on email.

entfrickler commented 2 years ago

Hi @roberteinhaus

I tried to build your fork of this app but i give up cause after fixing something or adding a missing dependency something else is going wrong...

Do you still have a copy of your .apk? Maybe you can add this as a release to your fork or insert a download link here?

Thanks in advance, Frieder

roberteinhaus commented 2 years ago

Hi @entfrickler , I just went through some old USB backup drives to see if I can dig out an old binary, but have not found anything. Actually, I left the Squeezebox-Universe quite some time ago, which is why I do not have something on hand. Since this code is 4+ years old, there will be quite some work involved to get this up and running again I guess and since I am not into Android development I am not up to date on what needs to be done. Maybe @askvictor has this still running. Then he might be able to accept this PR and build it.