Open MMrj9 opened 8 years ago
I'm getting the following error: "reactiveTable error: argument is not an instance of Mongo.Collection, a cursor, or an array" And i'm not understanding why, any help would be appreciated.
//Publish Meteor.publish('event', function() { return Event.find({ }); }); //eventlist.js Template.eventlist.onCreated(function() { var self = this; self.autorun(function() { self.subscribe('event'); }); }); Template.eventlist.helpers({ event: function() { return event; }, listSettings: function() { return { rowsPerPage: 10, fields: [{ key: 'id', label: 'Id' }, { key: 'name', label: 'Name' }] } } }); //eventlist.html <template name="eventlist"> {{> reactiveTable collection=event settings=listSettings}} </template>
Looks like your event helper needs to return Event, not event - that's the Collection.
I'm getting the following error: "reactiveTable error: argument is not an instance of Mongo.Collection, a cursor, or an array" And i'm not understanding why, any help would be appreciated.