aslakhol / resume

A portfolio / CV project made with Gatsby and Sanity CMS
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Project overview page #8

Open aslakhol opened 4 years ago

aslakhol commented 4 years ago

In addition to the resumé one of the primary uses of the site will be to showcase my projects. There should be a project overview page that displays the highlighted projects. (The highlighted projects will likely be decided by a boolean value in the cms.)

aslakhol commented 4 years ago

Displaying my projects in an interesting matter is a point I feel is hard for me. Both because I don't necessarily have a good image in my head of how it would look, but also because many of the projects don't have a clear visual profile which makes them harder to display. Here are some tips I've gotten when asking around: is a friends solution to some of the same problems.

Making blobs for each project:

Using cool waves:

Diagrams can help if the project is very technical:

This site has free generic looking images that could work well: