cssPath is also struggling with special characters like < and {. I am using those for templating in Django, and later using a replace for local development, but it doesn't work as the output is garbled.
For example, in my task I have:
cssPath: '{{ STATIC_URL }}img/'
which outputs as:
background-image: url('%7B%7B%20STATIC_URL%20%7D%7Dimg/sprite.png');
cssPath is also struggling with special characters like < and {. I am using those for templating in Django, and later using a replace for local development, but it doesn't work as the output is garbled.
For example, in my task I have: cssPath: '{{ STATIC_URL }}img/'
which outputs as: background-image: url('%7B%7B%20STATIC_URL%20%7D%7Dimg/sprite.png');