I am getting You don't have permission to access /ftree-master/ on this server. when trying to reach the website locally. I have downloaded the files as a .zip file and extracted the folder to /var/www/html. After that I gave all the folders CHMOD 775 since I got Server unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be safe. All the other folders in the same folder have CHMOD 775.
I am getting
You don't have permission to access /ftree-master/ on this server.
when trying to reach the website locally. I have downloaded the files as a .zip file and extracted the folder to/var/www/html
. After that I gave all the folders CHMOD 775 since I gotServer unable to read htaccess file, denying access to be safe
. All the other folders in the same folder have CHMOD 775.What can the problem be?