asmagill / hs._asm.axuielement

Accessing Accessibility Objects with Hammerspoon
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Observer breaks after resuming from sleep #20

Closed iliyang closed 4 years ago

iliyang commented 4 years ago

In my Hammerspoon script, I have an observer that watches an AXTextArea element of an application (the Spark email client; it's the unread messages counter) for AXSelectedTextChanged events. It all works fine, but when I put the computer to sleep and resume, the observer doesn't receive events anymore – I have to re-hook it (which I do by manually reloading my Hammerspoon config).

Inspecting the key of the sole entry in the my_observer:watching() table, I get:

<userdata 1> -- hs._asm.axuielement: *AXRole undefined*

After reloading the Hammerspoon config, the value of the key is as exepcted:

<userdata 1> -- hs._asm.axuielement: AXTextArea (0x60004041a878)

So something gets broken at some point. I think this issue also occurs without sleeping the computer, when using it for a prolonged time (keeping the application being watched open all the time). Conversely, putting the computer to sleep for only a few seconds, the issue doesn't occur. But at least I get a consistent broken behavior every morning when I open the Macbook: the counter in my custom menu bar is different from the value of Spark's UI element.

Could it be an issue somewhere in

latenitefilms commented 4 years ago

The AX object will have been destroyed when the Mac is put to sleep.

When you say the "unread messages counter" are you referring to the Dock icon? If so, you could add another observer to watch when the Dock AX items are created/destroyed, and then create your AXTextArea observers when that's triggered.

iliyang commented 4 years ago

The AX object will have been destroyed when the Mac is put to sleep.

Oh thanks, this is useful information! Do you know if there's a way to detect the destruction of the object (i.e. via some event), or perhaps the destruction of a parent AX object? Otherwise, I'll have to watch for resume-from-sleep events to re-hook the observer. (And maybe the AX object gets destroyed in other circumstances too?)

When you say the "unread messages counter" are you referring to the Dock icon? If so, you could add another observer to watch when the Dock AX items are created/destroyed, and then create your AXTextArea observers when that's triggered.

This was the first thing I tried actually, and this is a much more general method that works with every application (e.g. chat apps like Rambox, Franz, etc). While I can watch for Dock AX item creation/destruction, there the Dock doesn't expose that notify about changes to the badges of individual apps. The best thing I've found is to periodically check the badge for the app of interest using the function

function getDockBadge(appName)
    dockApp = hs.application.find('')
    dockAppEl = ax.applicationElement(dockApp)

    for _, element in ipairs(dockAppEl[1]) do
        if element:AXTitle() == appName then
            return element:AXStatusLabel()

    return nil

but polling is not an ideal approach – it comes with a performance/latency trade-off.

If someone knows a way to get notifications about dock badge changes, it would be fantastic.

latenitefilms commented 4 years ago

You should be able to use the same method you're currently using - the observer should trigger an AXUIElementDestroyed notification when an object is destroyed.

I find UI Browser is great for testing things out with the Accessibility API.

iliyang commented 4 years ago

You should be able to use the same method you're currently using - the observer should trigger an AXUIElementDestroyed notification when an object is destroyed.

Ah thanks! The AXUIElementDestroyed notification works, though only if I close the window. It's not sent if I quit the app via Cmd+Q. This could be specific to this app (Spark), and the app termination event can be handled through built-in Hammerspoon application event handling.

I find UI Browser is great for testing things out with the Accessibility API.

Nice, thanks. I've been using Xcode's the Accessibility Inspector, which doesn't look as nice but is free.

asmagill commented 4 years ago

I'm getting close to incorporating hs.axuielement into the next Hammerspoon release and want to close out (or move, if they're still an issue) as many of these as possible. Please let me know if you still consider this an active issue.

I'm also including some general notes due to syntactic changes that have occurred as the module readies for integration and that came to mind while reading through this issue:

asmagill commented 4 years ago

Hmm... looks like AXStatusLabel is a string attribute and not one referring to a new AXUIElement... so I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that I don't think "AXCreated" will detect it.

iliyang commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your continued work on this, @asmagill! Great news that hs.axuielement is planned for inclusion in the main release! I consider the original case to be closed due to my better understanding of the limitations. Seems like a lot of these come from the system (like AXStatusLabel being an attribute and not an element, for example).

Some dock replacement/enhancement apps like uBar and Pock do show app badges but I think they just poll the attribute at intervals.