asmaloney / GDExtensionTemplate

📜 A template project for building Godot 4 GDExtensions using CMake
The Unlicense
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Suggestions to Enhance the Setup Experience #70

Open Painthingy opened 1 month ago

Painthingy commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the excellent work on this template! I have a couple of suggestions that I believe will enhance the setup experience for other users:

  1. README Update for C++20 Support: Update the README to tell how to use C++20 instead of C++17. Specifically, the CMakeLists.txt file should be updated from:

    target_compile_features( ${PROJECT_NAME} 


    target_compile_features( ${PROJECT_NAME}
  2. .gitignore Update:
    To prevent the repository from growing unnecessarily large, it would be helpful to add the following lines to the .gitignore file to exclude local build output and IDE-specific files:
