asmanu / Java_Script

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Help wanted in Java Script OOPS Calculator #1

Open asmanu opened 6 years ago

asmanu commented 6 years ago

JavaScript Calculator //Write a Calculator class that matches this specification describe( "Calculator", function(){ var calculator; beforeEach( function(){ calculator = new Calculator(); } ); it( "adds 1 and 2", function(){ expect( calculator.add( 1, 2 ) ).to.equal( 3 ); } ); it( "subtracts 2 from 9", function(){ expect( calculator.subtract( 9, 2 ) ).to.equal( 7 ); } ); it( "multiplies 4 and 3", function(){ expect( calculator.multiply( 4, 3 ) ).to.equal( 12 ); } ); it( "divides 10 by 2", function(){ expect( calculator.divide( 10, 2 ) ).to.equal( 5 ); } ); it( "does not divide by 0", function(){ expect( calculator.divide( 5, 0 ) ).to.equal( NaN ); } ); } );

//Write a ScientificCalculator class that matches this specification describe( "ScientificCalculator", function(){ var calculator; beforeEach( function(){ calculator = new ScientificCalculator(); } ); it( "extends Calculator", function(){ expect( calculator ) Calculator ); expect( calculator ) ScientificCalculator ); } ); it( "returns the sine of PI / 2", function(){ expect( calculator.sin( Math.PI / 2 ) ).to.equal( 1 ); } ); it( "returns the cosine of PI", function(){ expect( calculator.cos( Math.PI ) ).to.equal( -1 ); } ); it( "returns the tangent of 0", function(){ expect( calculator.tan( 0 ) ).to.equal( 0 ); } ); it( "returns the logarithm of 1", function(){ expect( calculator.log( 1 ) ).to.equal( 0 ); } ); } );

//Write a withExponents functional mixin that matches this specification describe( "withExponents", function(){ var calculator; beforeEach( function(){ calculator = new Calculator(); calculator ); } ); it( "returns 2^3", function(){ expect( calculator.pow( 2, 3 ) ).to.equal( 8 ); } ); it( "multiplies 2^3 and 2^4", function(){ expect( calculator.multiplyExp( [ 2, 3 ], [ 2, 4 ] ) ).to.equal( 128 ); } ); it( "divides 2^3 by 2^5", function(){ expect( calculator.divideExp( [ 2, 3 ], [ 2, 5 ] ) ).to.equal( 0.25 ); } ); } );

//Write a delay function that matches this specification describe( "delay", function(){ var calculator = new Calculator(); it( "returns a promise", function(){ var willAdd = delay( 100, calculator, 'add', [ 1, 1 ] ); expect( willAdd ) Promise ); expect( willAdd ); } ); it( "delays execution", function(){ expect( delay( 1000, calculator, 'add', [ 10, 5 ] ) ).to.eventually.equal( 15 ); expect( delay( 500, calculator, 'subtract', [ 9, 5 ] ) ).to.eventually.equal( 4 ); } ); it( "cannot execute functions that do not exist", function(){ expect( delay( 1000, calculator, 'sqrt', [ 2, 2 ] ) ); } ); } );

ritesh99rakesh commented 6 years ago

I would like to work on it.