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Moving to GitHub pages with Nikola | Aaron Meurer's Blog #3

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

Moving to GitHub pages with Nikola | Aaron Meurer's Blog

asmeurer commented 3 years ago

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asmeurer commented 3 years ago

These are the original comments on this post that were made when this blog used the Disqus blog system.

Comment from Roberto Alsina on 2014-04-05 13:39:54+00:00:

Thanks for the kind words and for documenting all this!

I have this feeling we (as a project) are doing some things be harder than they need to. Maybe we should add a plugin specifically for github pages deployments, since they seem to be particularly tricky. I don't know enough about it to do it though.


Comment from asmeurer on 2014-04-06 21:18:05+00:00:

The thing that really tripped me up was that there are two kinds of GitHub pages. Half of the guides you will find are about style pages and half are about gh-pages style pages.

Comment from help with writing college essa on 2017-03-22 13:33:48+00:00:

I am using Wordpress for my blog but since my blogs are just about my random thoughts or ranting about my daily life occurrence, it is okay. And I am not really familiar with Github.

Comment from Tobias Crops on 2017-06-14 07:49:10+00:00:

Thanks for the article, you’ve done a really great job. By the way, if you don’t mind, I can suggest this guide — another effective way to host your project on Git -

Comment from Tobias Crops on 2017-06-16 07:52:00+00:00:

Thanks for the article, you’ve done a really great job. By the way, if you don’t mind, I can suggest this guide — another effective way to host your project on Git - mobirisegithubblog.blogspot...