asmjit / asmdb

Instructions database and utilities for X86/X64 and ARM (THUMB/A32/A64) architectures.
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suggestions for making the format field ("M", "RM", "MR", etc) more useful #19

Open robertmuth opened 2 years ago

robertmuth commented 2 years ago

For my project (based on asmdb) it has been very useful to locally rewrite the format field to satisfy the following invariant:

My suggestion would be to change the format field to something like: "xxM" where "x" represents an implicit operand.

There also seems to be a problem with these opcodes:

    ["mov"              , "w:r8, ib/ub"                                     , "I"       , "B0+r ib"                      , "ANY"],
    ["mov"              , "w:r16, iw/uw"                                    , "I"       , "66 B8+r iw"                   , "ANY"],
    ["mov"              , "W:r32, id/ud"                                    , "I"       , "B8+r id"                      , "ANY"],
    ["mov"              , "W:r64, iq/uq"                                    , "I"       , "REX.W B8+r iq"                , "X64"],

I believe the format should be ""OI"