asmjit / asmdb

Instructions database and utilities for X86/X64 and ARM (THUMB/A32/A64) architectures.
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xlat and xlatb #8

Open kobalicek opened 6 years ago

kobalicek commented 6 years ago

I would suggest just having xlat [es:zbx + al] signature and remove xlatb completely (it's alias anyway).

gwicksted commented 6 years ago

Correction to @kobalicek 's comment: the segment is ds not es.

I agree with @kobalicek regarding removing xlatb since it is the alias mnemonic for the no operand form of xlat and asmjit requires optional operands.

Current entry:

    ["xlatb"            , ""                                            , "NONE"    , "D7"                               , "ANY              Volatile"],

Suggested replacement:

    ["xlat"            , "R:<ds:zbx>, X:<al>"                           , "NONE"    , "D7"                               , "ANY              Volatile"],