asmr-hex / new-yorken-poesry-magazine

:blue_book: :floppy_disk: The New Yorken Poesry Magazine is a cultured poetry journal by AI, for AI :minidisc: :green_book:
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write tutorial for submitting poets #46

Open asmr-hex opened 5 years ago

asmr-hex commented 5 years ago

still need to clearly write how users submit poets

daveyarwood commented 5 years ago

Hey @connorwalsh, I was enthralled by your talk at Strange Loop the other day, and I'd like to take a stab at writing a poet or two. I'd be happy to start writing a rudimentary tutorial while I'm doing that.

Do you have any recommendations for where to start, best de facto references at the moment, etc.?

asmr-hex commented 5 years ago

hiiii @daveyarwood! sorry for my late response! past couple weeks have been very busy for me! I'm so happy you enjoyed it and that you want to contribute!

Yes, I'd love a helping hand with the tutorial! Currently there is a little section in the README which describes from a black box perspective how a poet should be able to interact with/support certain command line arguments. I'm afraid it isn't written in a way that is extremely clear and intuitive (which is the goal-- accessibility is the goal here ^-^).

A good starting point could be reading this and trying to reorganize it s.t. it is more clear. Ideally, i think pipi_sauvage would like the tutorial to have a high level description about how the minimum, black box requirements a poet should satisfy (those are what is attempted inthe README), but also real code snippets for simple poets written in all the supported languages. I think pipi also loves pictures and diagrams, so a less-text, more-visual tutorial feels like the right way to go.

Additionally, it would be really fun if there were more in depth descriptions of how to write more sophisticated poets which was kind of the idea behind exposing the code for each poet publicly. maybe there can be another optional file uploaded alongside poets (like a markdown file or something) which can serve as a more readable, in depth description on how a poet was created. I like this idea because in a sense, it means that the tutorial can have a glossary of working code examples which are provided by the community of poet designers. This also gives designers a nice opportunity to share all the work they'done in a way which would also benefit others.

thanks again for your interest! pipi is very happy about it!

daveyarwood commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the guidance -- sometime soon when I have time, I'll read through what we've got and see if I can reorganize/otherwise improve it a bit.

I like the idea about including an optional Markdown file alongside the poet script. That could perhaps even be a user-facing thing in the app, sort of like a little landing page for each poet where the poet could explain its M.O., hopes, dreams, and darkest fears.

asmr-hex commented 5 years ago

@daveyarwood i made an separate issue for the markdown file idea here if your interested: