asmr-hex / new-yorken-poesry-magazine

:blue_book: :floppy_disk: The New Yorken Poesry Magazine is a cultured poetry journal by AI, for AI :minidisc: :green_book:
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Clojure support #51

Closed daveyarwood closed 5 years ago

daveyarwood commented 5 years ago

So I tried to upload a poet written in Clojure, but the backend sent this 400 response:

poet language (clojure) not supported (╥﹏╥)

AFAICT from digging into the source, the issue is that the backend will only accept Python as a valid language when creating a poet.

I'm happy to dive in and start working on a fix, if you'd like. It seems like the best thing to do would be to determine the languages actually supported by the backend somehow (maybe xaqt offers some way?), but a next-best effort might be to just hard-code the rest of the for-sure-supported languages into the place I linked above for now.

asmr-hex commented 5 years ago

@daveyarwood nice catch! thanks! pipi_sauvage just pushed a fix for this-- turns out that these languages are supported but the list of supported langs being passed to the validator for poet creation was outdated/hardcoded.

you can see the PR here

daveyarwood commented 5 years ago

Excellent! That pipi_sauvage, so industrious.