asny / tri-mesh

A triangle mesh data structure including basic operations.
MIT License
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Additional per-element information #12

Open jimy-byerley opened 4 years ago

jimy-byerley commented 4 years ago

For my project I need to keep trace of what operation has created which vertices, faces or halfedges. The problem is that knowing which face will be kept in the result during a complex mesh operations (such as boolean) is as complex as doing the operation itself. So I think it could be usefull to put element-associated informations inside the mesh itself.

So to put additional datas to halfedges, there is 3 options:

I want to make a PR to implement it, I think the last option would be the best ?

asny commented 4 years ago

This is a classic problem. What you need is a flag for each primitive (you say each halfedge but I guess you can do with one for each face), but another use-case could be saving a normal per primitive or uv-coordinates etc. I haven't seen a really good solution to this, but there are some alternatives:

What do you think?

jimy-byerley commented 4 years ago

In fact I was hoping you would have a better idea than mine ;)

I agree that option 1 is very close to a specific use case. That's why I thought to put the flag to halfedges would be better that to faces for genericity (even If I only need a flag for each face in my own case). I wonder if one can ask more that one information each halfedge for any kind of purpose.

The goal of that flag would be to allow tracking primitives through operations, and as you said, I need to keep the map up-to-date. The problem is that with only the IDMaps of a Mesh, I can't know which primitive has been changed during the last operation since IDs are reassigned when some primitives are discarded. The only way would be to clone the Mesh before each operation, then to compare the result with the operands (and that would yet be complex with multiple mesh as operands). So I can't see how to efficently update the map after the operation occured.

Do you think the primitive tracking purpose is too specific for tri-mesh ?

asny commented 4 years ago

Is it really necessary to keep track of which operation created what? No matter which solution, it requires a lot of bookkeeping. Also, no matter what, you will have problems with an operation which created some part of the mesh which was then altered by another operation which again was deleted by yet another operation.

The problem is that with only the IDMaps of a Mesh, I can't know which primitive has been changed during the last operation since IDs are reassigned when some primitives are discarded.

Yes, you need clean-up functionality which takes an IDMap and removes all dead primitives and add a value for all new primitives and you need to call that functionality regularly. If necessary, we could avoid reusing primitive ids until we run out of numbers, this way it would be unlikely that a primitive was both removed and created in the same operation.

Do you think the primitive tracking purpose is too specific for tri-mesh ?


jimy-byerley commented 4 years ago

Yes I'ts very important for a CAD usage to know which operation created what. Take the example of a user selection tool, it requires something to say for the clicked face, which function has created it, and maybe get informations about it (radius and axis for cylinder surfaces for example, but that's not the concen).

With cleanup functionnality, it can't see how to track primitives for very intrinsic operations such as merge. Even with IDs not reused, the merge_overlaping_primitives decides which primitive to keep, so currently there is no direct matching between the new inserted IDs and the former IDs, (there is holes in the matching that need to be predicted that the merge algorithm is known). The solution here would be to determine the new IDs with only the former ones and the size of the mesh to merge into, but that would be a big change for tri-mesh.

Also with unique and predictable IDs, we would loose the benefit of flat buffers you added to IDMap.

asny commented 4 years ago

Yes I'ts very important for a CAD usage to know which operation created what.

Ok, that is fair, just needed to make sure.

With cleanup functionnality, it can't see how to track primitives for very intrinsic operations such as merge.

I have a hard time figuring out how to track primitives in a merge operation, no matter which solution?

Have you experimented with something? I think it is a very difficult problem, so I think the best solution is to try something out and see what works for you and maybe we can generalise that solution and merge into tri-mesh and maybe we can't. What do you think about that?

Also I will reply faster, I promise :)