asok / projectile-rails

Emacs Rails mode based on projectile
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Snippets double expanding #4

Closed gstamp closed 10 years ago

gstamp commented 10 years ago

For some reason when I create a new class or test it seems to double expand the snippets so I end up with something like this:

require "spec_helper"

describe Bundle do
require "spec_helper"

  describe Bundle do

toctan commented 10 years ago

@gstamp Same here.

asok commented 10 years ago

I've updated, please try now.

toctan commented 10 years ago

@asok It's awesome, thanks. I uninstalled rinari immediately when I see this package out. By the way, do you have plans to support finding migrations, initializers and factories?

asok commented 10 years ago

@toctan With factories that's a bit tricky. I've only used factory_girl. With factory_girl you specified the files in the spec/factories directory and/or factories.rb. There are also other "factories" gems that might store them differently. Besides I bet there are out there Rails project that just use fixutures instead of factories. So I would say I will not implement it.

But adding finder for migration and initializers should be easy. Though do you really need it in your workflow? I mean in our repository we just keep like last 20 migrations. When they become old we remove them. They are only needed when you are deploying (you always have your schema.rb that keeps your db structure). For initializers we usually have pretty distinctive names. So for them and the migrations I just use projectile-find-file. If you setup projectile-completion-system to something capable of fuzzy matching like flx-ido or grizzl I just do initbar to find the bar initializers.

Some time ago I was using great rails.vim and I do not recall this plugin to have find commands for migration nor initializers.

Let me know what you think. If it's really indispensable for some users I can add those finders.

toctan commented 10 years ago

@asok Ok, initializers is probably not necessary. As to migration, I don't know how you guys handle this, but for me, when the project is in its very early phase and not deployed to production, because the schema tend to change very often, I tend to edit the migration file, one migration only for one model. So it makes sense if I can directly jump to the create_* file from the model.

Also, it would be nice to support spring.