aspendigital / docker-octobercms

Dockerized October CMS: PHP, Composer, October core and dependencies
MIT License
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Best practices for "deep" development? #13

Open Harti opened 6 years ago

Harti commented 6 years ago

Thanks for making this Dockerfile/repo; it's saved me a lot of time so far!

I love how cleanly you can develop with pushing/pulling only a handful of folders, and keeping it separate from the core OctoberCMS business logic. At the same time, it (or rather, development with Docker in general) gives me major headaches once I go beyond editing layout files.

Especially for OctoberCMS plugin development, but also in some other edge cases (such as overriding component templates), I need to see the whole sources, as my IDE will then be able to auto-import required classes and auto-complete methods, give me type hints and such. It also helps to quickly dig into the framework code to see how other plugin developers have dealt with what I am trying to achieve.

Sometimes, I also find myself wanting to install another plugin - and it wouldn't persist unless I also added it to my Dockerfile. Its settings will be gone as well unless I somehow get the database to sync over (which works mapping the SQLite database, but I'd rather like to switch to an external database such as MySQL at some point).

How do you handle/manage such situations?

petehalverson commented 6 years ago

Thank you @Harti! I really appreciate your feedback.

We've overcome the IDE hinting issue by side-loading October core code on projects ('External Libraries' in PHPStorm and 'Include Path' under NetBeans). It's a common feature for IDE's that have hinting.

Most of our projects leverage the October CMS image generated by this repo. We have a starter repo that ships with a base theme, config and plugins we use for most projects. We reference reusable and open source plugins in each project repo via Git submodules.

There's a docker-compose.yml for dev, stage and production. Here's an example:

# Reference -
version: '2.2'
    image: aspendigital/octobercms:latest
      - 80:80
      - APP_DEBUG=true
      - CMS_ACTIVE_THEME=starter
      - CMS_BACKEND_SKIN=AspenDigital\Backend\Skins\Admin
      - INIT_PLUGINS=true
      - TZ=${TZ:-America/Denver}
      # A local `.env` is not required but expected if you wish to pass secrets to the config - see
      # - ./.env:/var/www/html/.env

      - ./plugins:/var/www/html/plugins
      - ./storage/app:/var/www/html/storage/app
      - ./storage/logs:/var/www/html/storage/logs

      # Uncomment the line below for a persistent local database - see
      # - ./storage/database.sqlite:/var/www/html/storage/database.sqlite

      # Mounting the entire `themes` folder can cause performance issues in Docker for Mac
      - ./themes:/var/www/html/themes

We bind mount plugins and themes for persistence. That way if you hot load / update a plugin via the admin, it'll stay put.

Working on October core code / plugin is usually straight forward, just bind mount the folder/file you're working in or clone the project and bind mount everything.

Dealing with vendor folders is usually where things get tricky. Let me know if you want to take that part of the discussion further...

I started documenting some examples for a series of screencasts some time ago:

That stalled as I perceived a lack of interest from the community. However, recent discussions with @daftspunk have rekindled my motivation for completing that series documenting our workflow and dealing with gotchas that come with working locally with a container.

Let me know if this helps or if I haven't addressed the situations you were trying to address.

Harti commented 6 years ago

(Sorry for the late reply.)

Thank you so much for the detailed input! I had not known about the "external libraries" feature and knowing about it will help me for the most part, I presume. Otherwise, docker cping the html folder onto my machine once (or whenever I require to view certain other sources) could help as far as the vendor files are concerned. While still a messy workaround, it could help in such edge cases.

Mapping the .env file is another interesting use case that might come in handy at some point. You already helped me a lot just posting this reply; of course I'd appreciate to learn more about best practices, especially when it comes to properly working with dev, staging and production environments using git. (In particular, I struggle with write permission issues once I have things set on my staging system and want to edit a page there. Not sure what's up with that - probably because the files belong to my local dev user and not the server user.)

pablorq commented 4 years ago

I have had the same problem and this is the way I solve it and I'm working on developing stage, on Ubuntu.

Extract initial data

Create a docker compose file without volumes:

# docker-compose.yml
version: '2.2'
    image: aspendigital/octobercms
      - 8080:80

Start the container:

sudo docker-compose up -d

Copy files on 'html' directory inside the container to the host:

sudo docker cp [octobercms container]:/var/www/html ./html

Remove the container and volumes created

sudo docker-compose down -v

Change files owner on the host

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data ./html

At this point you have the initial data on the html directory to be used in OctoberCMS. You can copy this structure to be used for several different containers, remembering to set the correct user ownership.

Create an OctoberCMS container with persistent data

Now is time to create the working container using the extracted data, by using this docker compose file:

version: '2.2'
    image: aspendigital/octobercms:latest
    init: true
    restart: always
      - 8080:80
      - ./html:/var/www/html/

The last task is to start the container:

sudo docker-compose up -d

Great! You have an OctoberCMS container and also full access to all the data for IDEs.

jimcottrell commented 4 years ago

You might consider checking out Visual Studio Code remote development if you like Visual Studio Code, which I do. I had to do a little tweaking to get it how I wanted, but it's pretty slick. Since you're editing inside the container, all the core files are accessible. I'd be happy to share config files if you check it out and get hung up on anything.