aspendigital / docker-octobercms

Dockerized October CMS: PHP, Composer, October core and dependencies
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how can i change the default APP_KEY #9

Closed iamike closed 6 years ago

iamike commented 6 years ago

can i can the default APP_KEY? Am I need put APP_KEY in .env file? if everybody using the default APP_KEY, is that will be a problem for security? Thanks

iamike commented 6 years ago

sorry, I am a little bit confused here. looks there are 3 ways: 1) .env file can handle the cms environment variables, eg. we just make 2 .env files, one for dev environment, and another is for live environment. by using different docker-compose-dev, docker-compose-prod, to mirror the different file into the volume..

2) The docker-compose also provide the environment variables. which can be just defined in env_files setting config.

3) in some cloud service, there might be kubernetes which also provide the environment variables for the services. That mean we just take care of local dev env variables?

so, OMG, which way is the best approach?

petehalverson commented 6 years ago

When using the image's docker config, if the APP_KEY is not defined in your .env, it will fall back to the generic key set in config/docker/app.php. This is to facilitate a quick testing environment for developers without forcing them to configure settings.

More about the App Environment

I typically maintain a separate docker-compose for each environment (local, stage, prod) within the project repo. I store secrets in .env that's not committed. Keep in mind, docker-compose supports .env variables as well.

In practice, the best approach really depends on the project and to an extent, your preference.

If you're planning to deploy via swarm or kubernetes, it's a good idea to extend the image so you're not dependent on volume mounts which may include baking in your own config.