aspiers / stow

GNU Stow - mirror of savannah git repository occasionally with more bleeding-edge branches
GNU General Public License v3.0
589 stars 41 forks source link

Can GNU Stow use a stow target directory that is a symbolic link? #83

Open issenn opened 3 years ago

issenn commented 3 years ago

mkdir -p /usr/local/Cellar/app/0.36.2/{bin,etc}

touch /usr/local/Cellar/app/0.36.2/{LICENSE,}
touch /usr/local/Cellar/app/0.36.2/bin/cmd

ln -s  /usr/local/Cellar/app/0.36.2  /usr/local/opt/app

mkdir -p ~/dotfiles/app-config/opt/app/

touch  ~/dotfiles/app-config/opt/app/

cd ~/dotfiles/app-config/opt/
stow -v5 -n --no-folding --dir=. --target=/usr/local/opt/


  read_a_link(app): real link
  Evaluate existing link: app => ../Cellar/app/0.36.2
  is path ../Cellar/app/0.36.2 owned by stow?
    no - either ../Cellar/app/0.36.2 not under ../../../Users/issenn/dotfiles/app-config/opt or vice-versa
CONFLICT when stowing .: existing target is not owned by stow: app
aspiers commented 3 years ago

Sorry I can't reproduce this. I get:

stow: No packages to stow or unstow

which is also unsurprising because the stow command didn't specify which package to stow. But even if I guess that the package to stow was app, then I can't reproduce the error since it works fine for me. The output you pasted doesn't seem to match the commands listed for reproduction. For example,

Evaluate existing link: app => ../Cellar/app/0.36.2

indicates a relative symlink, but your setup creates absolute symlinks. Please can you paste the exact sequence of commands you used, and the full output from Stow, not just select lines?

issenn commented 3 years ago

@aspiers Sorry, I missed the package name. I reproduced it again, this is my script and output log.

#!/usr/bin/env sh

base_dir="$(dirname -- "$(realpath $0)")"/stow-test-symbolic-link



rm -rf "${base_dir}"

echo "${base_dir}" "${app_name}" "${app_ver}"

mkdir -p "${base_dir}"/{Cellar,opt,etc,dotfiles}

# create source file with version
mkdir -p "${base_dir}"/Cellar/"${app_name}"/"${app_ver}"/{bin,etc}

touch "${base_dir}"/Cellar/"${app_name}"/"${app_ver}"/{LICENSE,}
touch "${base_dir}"/Cellar/"${app_name}"/"${app_ver}"/bin/cmd
touch "${base_dir}"/Cellar/"${app_name}"/"${app_ver}"/etc/cmd.conf.example

# create symbolic link folder without version
ln -snf "${base_dir}"/Cellar/"${app_name}"/"${app_ver}" "${base_dir}"/opt/"${app_name}"

# create app config in dotfiles
mkdir -p "${base_dir}"/dotfiles/"${app_name}"-config/{opt,etc}/"${app_name}"

touch "${base_dir}"/dotfiles/"${app_name}"-config/opt/"${app_name}"/homebrew.mxcl."${app_name}".plist
touch "${base_dir}"/dotfiles/"${app_name}"-config/etc/"${app_name}"/cmd.conf

echo ""
echo "########################################################################"
echo "########## file structure - before stow                       ##########"
echo "########################################################################"
echo ""

tree -a "${base_dir}"

echo ""
echo "########################################################################"
echo "########## stow use target directory that is normal directory ##########"
echo "########################################################################"
echo ""

stow -S --no-folding --dir="${base_dir}"/dotfiles/"${app_name}"-config/opt --target="${target}"/opt/"${app_name}" "${app_name}"
[[ -d "${target}"/etc/"${app_name}" ]] || mkdir "${target}"/etc/"${app_name}"
stow -S --no-folding --dir="${base_dir}"/dotfiles/"${app_name}"-config/etc --target="${target}"/etc/"${app_name}" "${app_name}"

tree -a "${base_dir}"

stow -D --no-folding --dir="${base_dir}"/dotfiles/"${app_name}"-config/opt --target="${target}"/opt/"${app_name}" "${app_name}"
stow -D --no-folding --dir="${base_dir}"/dotfiles/"${app_name}"-config/etc --target="${target}"/etc/"${app_name}" "${app_name}"

echo ""
echo "########################################################################"
echo "########## stow use target directory that is a symbolic link  ##########"
echo "########################################################################"
echo ""

# "${target}"/opt/"${app_name}" is a symbolic link
stow -S -v5 -n --no-folding --dir="${base_dir}"/dotfiles/"${app_name}"-config --target="${target}"/opt opt
[[ -d "${target}"/etc/"${app_name}" ]] && rm -rf "${target}"/etc/"${app_name}"
stow -S --no-folding --dir="${base_dir}"/dotfiles/"${app_name}"-config --target="${target}"/etc etc

tree -a "${base_dir}"

# stow -D -v5 -n --no-folding --dir="${base_dir}"/dotfiles/"${app_name}"-config --target="${target}"/opt opt
stow -D --no-folding --dir="${base_dir}"/dotfiles/"${app_name}"-config --target="${target}"/etc etc


/Users/issenn/Downloads/aaaa/stow-test-symbolic-link app 0.36.2

########## file structure - before stow                       ##########

├── Cellar
│   └── app
│       └── 0.36.2
│           ├── LICENSE
│           ├──
│           ├── bin
│           │   └── cmd
│           └── etc
│               └── cmd.conf.example
├── dotfiles
│   └── app-config
│       ├── etc
│       │   └── app
│       │       └── cmd.conf
│       └── opt
│           └── app
│               └──
├── etc
└── opt
    └── app -> /Users/issenn/Downloads/aaaa/stow-test-symbolic-link/Cellar/app/0.36.2

14 directories, 6 files

########## stow use target directory that is normal directory ##########

├── Cellar
│   └── app
│       └── 0.36.2
│           ├── LICENSE
│           ├──
│           ├── bin
│           │   └── cmd
│           ├── etc
│           │   └── cmd.conf.example
│           └── -> ../../../dotfiles/app-config/opt/app/
├── dotfiles
│   └── app-config
│       ├── etc
│       │   └── app
│       │       └── cmd.conf
│       └── opt
│           └── app
│               └──
├── etc
│   └── app
│       └── cmd.conf -> ../../dotfiles/app-config/etc/app/cmd.conf
└── opt
    └── app -> /Users/issenn/Downloads/aaaa/stow-test-symbolic-link/Cellar/app/0.36.2

15 directories, 8 files

########## stow use target directory that is a symbolic link  ##########

stow dir is /Users/issenn/Downloads/aaaa/stow-test-symbolic-link/dotfiles/app-config
stow dir path relative to target /Users/issenn/Downloads/aaaa/stow-test-symbolic-link/opt is ../dotfiles/app-config
cwd now /Users/issenn/Downloads/aaaa/stow-test-symbolic-link/opt
cwd restored to /Users/issenn/Downloads/aaaa
cwd now /Users/issenn/Downloads/aaaa/stow-test-symbolic-link/opt
Planning stow of package opt...
. not protected
Stowing contents of ../dotfiles/app-config/opt (cwd=~/Downloads/aaaa/stow-test-symbolic-link/opt)
  => ../dotfiles/app-config/opt
  link_task_action(.): no task
  dir_task_action(.): no task
    parent_link_scheduled_for_removal(.): prefix 
    parent_link_scheduled_for_removal(.): returning false
  is_a_node(.): really exists
  ../dotfiles/app-config/opt/.stow-local-ignore didn't exist
  Using ignore file: /Users/issenn/.stow-global-ignore
    Ignore list regexp for paths:    /(?^:(^|/)(^/COPYING|^/\.stow\-local\-ignore$|^/README.*|^/LICENSE.*|^/@.*)(/|$))/
    Ignore list regexp for segments: /(?^:^(\.gitkeep|\.svn|\.git|\.hg|\.gitmodules|.*.swp|_darcs|\.cvsignore|RCS|\.DS_Store|.*\.md|#.*#|.+~|CVS|\.gitignore|.+,v|.*.example|\.#.+)$)/
  Not ignoring app
Stowing ../dotfiles/app-config / opt / app
  => ../dotfiles/app-config/opt/app
  link_task_action(app): no task
  is_a_link(app): is a real link
    parent_link_scheduled_for_removal(app): prefix app
    parent_link_scheduled_for_removal(app): returning false
  link_task_action(app): no task
  read_a_link(app): real link
  Evaluate existing link: app => /Users/issenn/Downloads/aaaa/stow-test-symbolic-link/Cellar/app/0.36.2
  is path /Users/issenn/Downloads/aaaa/stow-test-symbolic-link/Cellar/app/0.36.2 owned by stow?
BUG in find_stowed_path? Absolute/relative mismatch between Stow dir ../dotfiles/app-config and path /Users/issenn/Downloads/aaaa/stow-test-symbolic-link/Cellar/app/0.36.2 at /usr/local/Cellar/stow/2.3.1//Library/Perl/5.18/ line 966.
    no - either /Users/issenn/Downloads/aaaa/stow-test-symbolic-link/Cellar/app/0.36.2 not under ../dotfiles/app-config or vice-versa
CONFLICT when stowing opt: existing target is not owned by stow: app
Planning stow of package opt... done
cwd restored to /Users/issenn/Downloads/aaaa
WARNING! stowing opt would cause conflicts:
  * existing target is not owned by stow: app
All operations aborted.
├── Cellar
│   └── app
│       └── 0.36.2
│           ├── LICENSE
│           ├──
│           ├── bin
│           │   └── cmd
│           └── etc
│               └── cmd.conf.example
├── dotfiles
│   └── app-config
│       ├── etc
│       │   └── app
│       │       └── cmd.conf
│       └── opt
│           └── app
│               └──
├── etc
│   └── app
│       └── cmd.conf -> ../../dotfiles/app-config/etc/app/cmd.conf
└── opt
    └── app -> /Users/issenn/Downloads/aaaa/stow-test-symbolic-link/Cellar/app/0.36.2

15 directories, 7 files

I don't want to create stow link for the directory, but to create stow link for all files.