aspiers / stow

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Investigate ditching Stow's pre-processing phase of installation #84

Open aspiers opened 3 years ago

aspiers commented 3 years ago

Currently Stow is built by pre-processing *.in files into corresponding files with the .in prefix dropped. For example:

and so on.

Why is this done? The answer can be seen from the very simple pre-processor in

edit = sed -e 's|[@]PERL[@]|$(PERL)|g'       \
           -e 's|[@]VERSION[@]|$(VERSION)|g' \
           -e "s|[@]USE_LIB_PMDIR[@]|$$use_lib_pmdir|g"

In other words, it's done in order to ensure that:

  1. the correct shebang line at the start of bin/stow and bin/chkstow is correct (#!/usr/bin/perl in many cases, but could be something else if your Perl installation is elsewhere)
  2. $Stow::VERSION and $Stow::Util::VERSION are set to the correct version number (the same as the Stow release version)
  3. bin/stow has a use lib line pointing to the location of the Stow and Stow::Util modules, so that it always finds them.

This seems to work OK, but has several disadvantages:

One obvious question is: why on earth did I do it this way? Unfortunately I can't remember; maybe there was a good reason, or maybe I just wasn't experienced enough at the time to make the right choice. Perhaps digging through git history will answer this.

A related but more important question is: can we ditch this, and adopt a simpler, more standard approach, e.g.:

None of this is specific to Stow, and applies to pretty much any CPAN module, so we should probably adopt whatever is the standard approach these days.

However this may require removing support for the autotools-based installation route, and I don't know how many people use that vs. the Module::Build installation route. Worse, I don't even know how I can effectively poll the userbase to find out one way or the other. Suggestions welcome.

(It's interesting to note that other "scripting" languages such as Python and Ruby can solve this by auto-generating wrapper stub scripts.)

aspiers commented 3 months ago

It turns out that this pre-processing prevents being able to view test coverage on Coveralls, e.g.