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Microsoft's OWIN implementation, the Katana project
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SignInAsAuthenticationType option gets ignored in OpenIdConnect middleware #472

Closed AntMaster7 closed 1 year ago

AntMaster7 commented 1 year ago

The OpenIdConnectAuthenticationOptions.SignInAsAuthenticationType property is being ignored by the OpenIdConnect middleware. In fact, its definied but not referenced anywhere in the Microsoft.Owin.Security.OpenIdConnect project. Inside the MicrosoftAccountAuthenticationHandler for example, a new ClaimsIdentity (signInIdentity) gets generated if the mentioned option is set like so:

// Inside MicrosoftAccountAuthenticationHandler.InvokeReturnPathAsync() method
if (context.SignInAsAuthenticationType != null && context.Identity != null)
    ClaimsIdentity signInIdentity = context.Identity;
    if (!string.Equals(signInIdentity.AuthenticationType, context.SignInAsAuthenticationType, StringComparison.Ordinal))
        signInIdentity = new ClaimsIdentity(signInIdentity.Claims, context.SignInAsAuthenticationType, signInIdentity.NameClaimType, signInIdentity.RoleClaimType);
    Context.Authentication.SignIn(context.Properties, signInIdentity);

Whereas inside the OpenIdConnectAuthenticationHandler this logic is missing and the tickets Identity gets directly applied for the SignIn call:

// Inside OpenIdConnectAuthenticationHandler.InvokeReplyPathAsync()
if (ticket.Identity != null)
    Request.Context.Authentication.SignIn(ticket.Properties, ticket.Identity);
Tratcher commented 1 year ago

It's passed through to TokenValidationParamters here:

The ClaimsIdentity is generated by a lower level library that uses this.

AntMaster7 commented 1 year ago

Thank you. Seems I overlooked the actual getters and setters. My bad.