aspnet / AspNetWebHooks

Libraries to create and consume web hooks on ASP.NET 4.x (Due to other priorities this project is currently in maintenance mode only. There are no planned releases at this time. No new features are planned and we are only addressing critical issues as required.)
Apache License 2.0
134 stars 103 forks source link

Fix Component governance bugs #67

Closed wtgodbe closed 2 years ago

wtgodbe commented 2 years ago

Could not find AzureStorageEmulator.exe. Please install Azure SDK from

@MattGal @dotnet/dnceng the build used to work on these machines, have they changed?

MattGal commented 2 years ago

Could not find AzureStorageEmulator.exe. Please install Azure SDK from

@MattGal @dotnet/dnceng the build used to work on these machines, have they changed?

Taking a look, it looks like @dnceng tagging isn't working in this repo for some reason.

MattGal commented 2 years ago


You can get info about what changes in 'windows-latest' from commit history here. Most recent thing that I know of is moving from 2019 being default to 2022.

To the un-asked questions, there's two things going on here.

So assuming you wanted to address both (feel free to do either/or; some folks may talk to you about continued hosted usage though), it'd be something like going from:

    vmImage: windows-latest
    ${{ if ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public') }}:
      # This override makes the specified vmImage irrelevant.
      name: NetCoreInternal-Pool
      queue: BuildPool.Server.Amd64.VS2017

... to:

    ${{ if eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public') }}:
      name: NetCore1ESPool-Public
      demands: ImageOverride -equals
    ${{ if ne(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public') }}:
      name: NetCore1ESPool-Internal
      demands: ImageOverride -equals

All available 1ES Hosted build images are listed in, I've picked VS 2017 ones since that seems to be what you had before. We also mirror the "Azure hosted" VS 2019 and VS 2022 images (via 1es-windows-2019/1es-windows-2022) if VS 2019 is acceptable ; latest is VS 2022 for sure.

wtgodbe commented 2 years ago

Thanks @MattGal - trying that now