aspnet / DataProtection

[Archived] Data Protection APIs for protecting and unprotecting data. Project moved to
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Registry.LocalMachine returns null in RegistryPolicyResolver #281

Closed Steve887 closed 6 years ago

Steve887 commented 7 years ago

My application is using .net core Identity with Identity Server 4 to manage identity within my system.

I am trying to migrate up to .net core 2 and am running into a problem with the RegistryPolicyResolver.

My code sets up a WebHostBuilder using Kestrel and a Startup file to configure .net Identity and Identity Server:

var host = new WebHostBuilder().UseKestrel().UseUrls("localhost:44333")).UseStartup<IdentityStartup>();

In IdentityStartup ConfigureServices I am adding Data Protection like so:


During start of the Web Host, I am getting a NullReferenceException in the constructor of RegistryPolicyResolver in the delegate of _getPolicyRegKey:

_getPolicyRegKey = () => Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DotNetPackages\Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection");

The part that is null is Registry.LocalMachine.

Is there anything else I need to configure to fix this error, or, preferably, is there any way to override or turn off using the Registry all together? I note that IRegistryPolicyResolver is internal so I can just add my own version of it, and AddDataProtectionServices in DataProtectionServiceCollectionExtensions is private and always called so I can't override that.

blowdart commented 7 years ago

You can override it with config -

Did it actually crash, or did it log the exception and then tell you it was using ephemeral keys? If the latter, and you want to use the registry then you need to follow the configuration steps for IIS.

blowdart commented 6 years ago

Closing due to no response.