aspnet / EventNotification

[Archived] Event notification system for broadcasting application state and configuration. Project moved to
Apache License 2.0
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Clean up package metadata and pre-Core references #48

Closed Eilon closed 8 years ago

Eilon commented 8 years ago

NuGet package metadata

The project.json file of every shipping NuGet package has two properties that must be non-empty:

  1. description
  2. tags

    Description guidance

Description should be at least something like this: "description": "ASP.NET Core MVC view rendering features. Contains common types used in most MVC applications as well as view rendering features such as view engines, views, view components, and HTML helpers.",

And if there are types in the package that are frequently referenced in source code, add this: "description": "%description%\r\nCommonly used types:\r\nNS1.Type1\r\nNS1.Type2\r\nNS2.Type1\r\nNS3.Type1", Note: Sort the types by the full namespace+type name

Tags guidance

The tags should generally include a "product" tag indicating the main product this is a part of (e.g. aspnetcore), and also "subject" or "feature" tags to associate this package with other related packages (e.g. aspnetcoremvc, logging, json).

Examples of tags:

  "tags": [
  "tags": [

Note: Certain packages are not part of ASP.NET Core or Entity Framework Core, so be careful not to add those tags to the metadata of these packages.

Other stuff to clean up related to the "Core" product rename

Need to do a search in all files in the repo for strings such as, aspnet, entity framework, and entityframework. This obviously has a lot of false positives because these strings appear in namespace names all over the place. However, it's not too hard to weed through those (despite thousands of hits) because when scrolling in the output of the commands it's easy to see breaks in the pattern that need to be investigated.

Some useful commands to run:

findstr /snip /c:"entityframework" *
findstr /snip /c:"entity framework" *
findstr /snip /c:"" *
findstr /snip /c:"aspnet" *

Update in the root of the repo

This is a fairly simple task of ensuring the content in the file also doesn't have references to pre-Core naming.

NTaylorMullen commented 8 years ago
