Kestrel now supports config, but it doesn't read any by default. CreateDefaultBuilder will specify the default location of the Kestrel config section. @DamianEdwards, @danroth27 asked if this config section should be namespaced as "Microsoft:Kestrel" or if a top level "Kestrel" section was ok?
I've also updated an old appsettings.json sample with the new config schema.
Kestrel now supports config, but it doesn't read any by default. CreateDefaultBuilder will specify the default location of the Kestrel config section. @DamianEdwards, @danroth27 asked if this config section should be namespaced as "Microsoft:Kestrel" or if a top level "Kestrel" section was ok?
I've also updated an old appsettings.json sample with the new config schema.