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Support for referencing GitHub projects #1003

Open radu-matei opened 7 years ago

radu-matei commented 7 years ago

I would like to have a feature where I just reference a .NET Core project from a public source directly in my .csproj (project.json) file.

Verify that the referenced project is actually a .NET Core project, check the versions for .NET Standard compatibility, then clone the repo (or create git submodules - what would be the better approach?) and reference the project.

Is this something that might find its way into the tooling, or I can start building an extension for VS Code (or VS17)?

If we believe this sounds good, when I get some spare time I would like to investigate the creation of a VS Code extension.

What do you think?

Thanks, Radu M

peterblazejewicz commented 7 years ago

Radu, Unless I'm wrong NuGet lacks the proper support for this (package resolution). I'm accustomed to use such feature in NPM or Bower, but just not in .NET. The closest thing I ever used in NuGet was locally referenced project

radu-matei commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure I follow what you're saying. The thing I would love to have in VS (Code) is to just reference a GitHub repository in the .csproj file, check the .NET Standard version of that project then clone or make a submodule out of that project, then reference it like any other local project (and maybe keep support to update from a specific branch).

I don't directly see where the NuGet pakage resolution comes in discussion since in the end it would simply be like a local referenced project.

Could you please expand on that?


peterblazejewicz commented 7 years ago

I should be more specific (sorry, quite new to .NET tools). With Node/JavaScript that's built into package managers itself (NPM, Bower, Yarn NPM client). I just said I think NuGet has no such support at all. If you mean IDEs or editors like VSCode, then sorry for added noise. VSCode is more x-plat IMO