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Tooling Preview 2 don't recognize VS 2015 Update 3 #1047

Closed Jerajo closed 7 years ago

Jerajo commented 7 years ago

Here is my VS 2015.


Here is the Error.


Look the Log File.

etc... [0DBC:1AB0][2017-06-19T21:09:04]i101: Detected package: WebToolsAzureVWD14_trk, state: Absent, cached: None [0DBC:1AB0][2017-06-19T21:09:04]i101: Detected package: DotNetToolsVS14_trk, state: Absent, cached: None [0DBC:1AB0][2017-06-19T21:09:04]i101: Detected package: DotNetToolsVWD14_trk, state: Absent, cached: None [0DBC:1AB0][2017-06-19T21:09:04]i101: Detected package: Preparation_ASPNET, state: Absent, cached: None [0DBC:1AB0][2017-06-19T21:09:04]i101: Detected package: SetupBlocked_Uninstall, state: Present, cached: None [0DBC:1AB0][2017-06-19T21:09:04]i052: Condition 'WixBundleInstalled OR NOT(NetFx45Release < 378675) OR (WixBundleAction=2)' evaluates to true. [0DBC:1AB0][2017-06-19T21:09:04]i052: Condition 'WixBundleInstalled OR VS2015DevEnvExists OR VS2015WebExpressExists OR (WixBundleAction=2)' evaluates to true. [0DBC:1AB0][2017-06-19T21:09:04]i052: Condition 'WixBundleInstalled OR (((VS2015CommunityUpdateVersion >= v14.0.25420) OR (VS2015ProfessionalUpdateVersion >= v14.0.25420) OR (VS2015EnterpriseUpdateVersion >= v14.0.25420)) OR (VS2015WebExpressUpdateVersion >= v14.0.25420)) OR (SKIP_VSU_CHECK=1) OR (WixBundleAction=2)' evaluates to false. [0DBC:1AB0][2017-06-19T21:09:04]e000:

This product requires Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 or later. Please install Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 or later, then install this product again.

[0DBC:1AB0][2017-06-19T21:09:04]e000: Error 0x81f40001: Bundle condition evaluated to false: WixBundleInstalled OR (((VS2015CommunityUpdateVersion >= v14.0.25420) OR (VS2015ProfessionalUpdateVersion >= v14.0.25420) OR (VS2015EnterpriseUpdateVersion >= v14.0.25420)) OR (VS2015WebExpressUpdateVersion >= v14.0.25420)) OR (SKIP_VSU_CHECK=1) OR (WixBundleAction=2) [0DBC:1AB0][2017-06-19T21:09:04]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0

mlorbetske commented 7 years ago

@joeloff any ideas?

joeloff commented 7 years ago

Yes. There's a registry key we examine to determine the VS update version. That registry key can sometimes get removed, though we only have a suspicion it happens as part of a Windows Update. However, the log should show if it detected any of the keys, e.g. if it found them there should be entries showing values being assigned to some of the properties like VS2015ProfessionalUpdateVersion.

Assuming this is the problem, you can bypass the check by running the installer from the commandline and passing in SKIP_VSU_CHECK=1

Jerajo commented 7 years ago

It isn't The final solution, but anyways, Thanks @joeloff Finally I could install it.