aspnet / Tooling

Issue tracker and info on Visual Studio tooling for ASP.NET
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Switch between Razor Page View and Code Behind #1068

Closed ghost closed 6 years ago

ghost commented 6 years ago

In the old web forms you were able to quickly switch between the ASPX file and the code behind using F7/Shift F7 or going View->Code or View->Designer. It would be useful if this was possible with Razor Pages in aspnet core projects?

barrytang commented 6 years ago

To report new issues, use the Report a Problem tool. The GitHub Issue Tracker for the aspnet/Tooling repo is now deprecated in favor of the Report a Problem tool.

If you encounter a problem with Visual Studio, we want to know about it so that we can diagnose and fix it. By using the Report a Problem tool, you can collect detailed information about the problem, and send it to Microsoft with just a few button clicks. See here for more details.

barrytang commented 6 years ago

Adding @jodavis and @alexgav as FYI.