aspnet / Tooling

Issue tracker and info on Visual Studio tooling for ASP.NET
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Remove duplicate lockfile diagnostic message. It's relevant for all frameworks. #206

Open troydai opened 8 years ago

troydai commented 8 years ago

Diagnostic Message NU1006 represents an invalidate lock file. It's relevant for all frameworks so it can be reduce to one.

1>C:\Users\davifowl\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ClassLibrary79\src\ClassLibrary79\project.lock.json(1-1): DNX 4.5.1 error NU1006: Dependencies in project.json were modified. Please run "dnu restore" to generate a new lock file.
1>C:\Users\davifowl\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ClassLibrary79\src\ClassLibrary79\project.lock.json(1-1): DNX Core 5.0 error NU1006: Dependencies in project.json were modified. Please run "dnu restore" to generate a new lock file.
1>C:\Users\davifowl\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\ClassLibrary79\src\ClassLibrary79\project.json(13,53,13,53): DNX Core 5.0 error NU1001: The dependency Microsoft.Framework.Logging.Abstractions >= 1.0.0-* could not be resolved.


sayedihashimi commented 8 years ago

TFS:150842 I've added it to our internal TFS tracker, we will reply back here soon.

BillHiebert commented 8 years ago

I could have sworn this doesn't repro anymore.. This is dupe issue.

cveld commented 8 years ago

I have been fiddling with the latest beta8, and suddenly my lock-file won't restore correctly anymore. I could not start a debug session anymore. I had to close down Visual Studio, remove the lock-file from the file system and then everything was back to normal. I did get duplications of the message. So the de-dupe fix (if at all) is not part of beta8.

webtools-bot commented 7 years ago

The GitHub Issue Tracker for the aspnet/Tooling repo is being deprecated in favor of Visual Studio's Report a Problem tool.

If this issue is still a problem with the RTW release of Visual Studio 2017, please report a new issue using the Report a Problem tool. While you can still use .NET Core and ASP.NET Preview tools with Visual Studio 2015, Visual Studio 2017 is now the officially supported tool for developing .NET Core and ASP.NET Core projects.

By using the Report a Problem tool (available in both VS 2017 and VS 2015), you can collect detailed information about the problem, and send it to Microsoft with just a few button clicks. See Visual Studio's Talk to Us page for more details.

Please use the discussion topic here for feedback and questions on the deprecation of this issue tracker. Thanks!