Open dpbevin opened 8 years ago
Potentially related to #741
@dpbevin @davidfowl
With nuget create the spec file for depLibrary.dll
Edit the spec file
Create nuget package
Delete the reference from WithDepWebSite
Install the new package DepLibrary.nupkg from your local nuget repository
Run "nuget restore DepTesting.sln"
It works!
Potentially related to
Installed Software
I'm having an issue restoring nuget packages for an xunt project testing ASP.NET Core controllers (that targets net452).
Steps to Reproduce
The attached solution contains:
Have I done something stupid or is this a real problem?
I originally had this problem on a build agent, so I've posted as much of the TFS logs (with "system.debug" set to true) as possible in the attached nugetrestorebuild.txt file.
I've reproduced the problem locally using only the attached zip file and nuget.exe. Previously the repro steps included TFS.