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I would like to know about the conversion of the API conversion from MPP to XML #369

Closed italobaracho closed 2 months ago

italobaracho commented 5 months ago

I want to know if there are more details about API converting MPP to XML, I did a small test on the website with our file and it showed this error, could it be a version problem in the Microsoft project or something similar that is not working or a confidential file with a security label that is causing this error, I would like to know more.

See the image below,


sva1000 commented 5 months ago

@italobaracho , could you attach your MPP file so that we can examine it?

You can post it here, but it's better to post it to Aspose.Tasks' Free Support Forum :

italobaracho commented 5 months ago

Yes, I will post our file here, see the attachment below:

sva1000 commented 5 months ago

@italobaracho , your file is correct, we need to update the website. You can obtain the same resulting XML using trial version of Aspose.Tasks for .NET using the following code:

string dir = "c:/test"; var project = new Project(dir + "TESTEPD_Custo.mpp"); project.Save(dir + "TESTEPD_Custo.xml", SaveFileFormat.Xml);

I've checked the snippet with 23.12 and it exported the XML successfully.

italobaracho commented 5 months ago

Thank you very much for the possible resolution of our problem, but is it possible to send 2 types of API, say one in Python and one in Nodejs? why do I need to do an ETL, based on one of these APIs mainly in nodejs

sva1000 commented 5 months ago

@italobaracho , we have high code API for .NET, Java, C++ and Python.

Also we have low code APIs (which are SDK for calling our Cloud-based solution) for Node.js, .NET, Java, PHP, Python and Go.

You can check page for the details.

italobaracho commented 4 months ago

Hello everything is fine ? I would like to know about this request if it is to pass the path with the credentials or just the credentials and like the link, I already have the credentials and the login in Aspose and I have this doubt about how it behaves, or send me an example in this API :

curl -X GET "" -H "accept: multipart/form-data" -H "x-aspose-client: Containerize.Swagger"

And if possible, can you give me some examples with the SDKS in Python so I can have a base, or send me the path with the directory or just the file without the directory, I would also like some examples of how it would look:

filename = 'Home_move_plan.mpp' self.upload_file(filename) get_request = GetTaskDocumentWithFormatRequest(filename, ProjectFileFormat.CSV) get_result = self.tasks_api.get_task_document_with_format(get_request) self.assertIsNotNone(get_result) with open(get_result, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f: self.assertTrue(f.readable()) self.assertIn('ID;Task_Name;Outline_Level;Duration;Start_Date;Finish_Date;Percent_Comp;Cost;Work', f.readline()) self.assertIn( '1;Five to Eight Weeks Before Moving;1;16 days;Thu 01.01.04 08:00;Thu 22.01.04 17:00;0%;$0;0 hrs', f.readline())

I looked in the aspose documentation and didn't find practical examples, I wanted help if possible.

sva1000 commented 4 months ago

@italobaracho , sorry for not replying sooner.

Examples for Aspose.Tasks Cloud SDK for Python can be found here:

Sample files used in tests (including 'Home_move_plan.mpp') can be found here: