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I want to use your library in an iOS app #395

Open iOS-hhjiang opened 3 weeks ago

iOS-hhjiang commented 3 weeks ago

Please check if it satisfies the following requirements:

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< I want to use your Aspose.Total for Java in an iOS application, but I have no idea how I need to integrate it, or what technical solution I need to use your library to integrate it. I can use swift / Object-C / React Native for development.Please help me.>

< iOS or React Native>

amjad-sahi commented 3 weeks ago

We have not tried it (i.e., use Java libraries in an iOS app). But apparently, there is no better way to cope with it. Java requires runtime to interpret (JRE) and you don't have that on iOS. I think you may try browsing online for some assistance. how to use java API in react native

I guess you may either use our REST APIs or .NET APIs. Please note, we used to provide separate Xamarin.iOS libraries (we do not include them in recent version archives) for it. We think you should go for our REST (Cloud) APIs to work in your iOS applications seamlessly as any language/tool which supports REST Client can use our Cloud APIs.