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About the font authority for converting PDF using apose.words python via .net #416

Open PH8919 opened 2 weeks ago

PH8919 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Guy, I am using the apose.words python via .net to convert DOCX into PDF on linux. i need to install the MS fonts on Linux. as you suggested on, there are two ways to put the MS fonts on Linux. but you also hint that font license may be required. Does both of the two ways need license authority or something else? Thanks!

AlexNosk commented 2 weeks ago

@PH8919 Aspose. Words does not provide fonts, except the Fanwood font embedded into Aspose.Words library, which is used as the last resort font. Different fonts have different licenses and you should consider licenses when use the fonts as any other intellectual property. Regarding using Microsoft fonts, it is better to consult with Microsoft, since they are owners of the fonts.

PH8919 commented 2 weeks ago

@AlexNosk thanks for your answer. I think you mean either of the two methods you mentioned at cannot avoid license obligation on Linux, is it right? At the same time, when i convert DOCX into PDF including picture, the characters in picgure will be displayed abnormally in generated PDF if i donot bring MS font in, like below, the text is presented using picture instead of raw text in DOCX: DOCX: image Generated PDF: image What is the reason to that? as my understanding, the picture should be converted normally.

Hope for your check and reply!

AlexNosk commented 2 weeks ago

@PH8919 Please attach your input and output documents for testing. We will check the issue and provide you more information.

PS: Please post your questions in the public Aspose.Words support forum, which is the main place for getting support.

PH8919 commented 1 week ago

@AlexNosk Sorry that i cannot upload it to the forum now due to extra approval is needed(Maybe it is forbidden). before that, i can tell you that the picture only contain text and is an EMF file, and the font used in it is Calibri. Maybe this information can help you to figure out the reason.

AlexNosk commented 1 week ago

@PH8919 Thank you for additional information. In EMF metafiles exact position of glyphs are specified. So in case of font substitution, if the substitution font has different metrics, the result of rendering might be as on your screenshot. Unfortunately, it is difficult to say for sure without a real file.

PH8919 commented 3 days ago

@AlexNosk I had uploaded the word to your support forum and let's move there to talk about it.