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I want to create/build report with a huge table and a lot of RTF texts in the cells #92

Closed csillikd closed 3 years ago

csillikd commented 3 years ago

Hi Team, we want to replace our PDF reporting module with a .Net core solution. In generally such a PDF report includes a first page with some general informations like name, address, and from the following page comes a huge table, where some cells contain an RTF text - and these RTF texts can be long. Our idee was to first split the RTF documents with Aspose.Words so that it fits into the cell on the current page, create an EMF just from that part and insert it into the cells as an image. It works, but there are extreme reports too, with more than 5000 pages and with tausends of inserted RTFs, in this case the memory usage rises extremely and the prozess is getting slower. Is there a better solution for these extrem cases with a smaller memory footprint?

shahzad-latif commented 3 years ago


Please share this issue along with some sample files in our free support forums. Our team will have to investigate the issue using your particular scenario and then recommend you a fix or workaround etc. I appreciate your cooperation.

csillikd commented 3 years ago Hi, here is a sample project, with a sample document. In the txt is the command line script to make some copy, set the right path in the main, and go!

asadalikhan90 commented 3 years ago


Thanks for creating a post insert a small PDF into a table cells in our official forum as per our request.

We have addressed your concerns and logged a ticket in our issue tracking system to investigate and implement your requirements. You will surely be notified in the forum thread once the ticket is resolved and the required feature is available.

asadalikhan90 commented 3 years ago

Hi David,

The link of the respective forum thread was already shared in our last response over GitHub. However, below are the details for your reference:

Forum Link => Ticket ID => PDFNET-48946

On Wed, Nov 18, 2020 at 9:49 PM David Janos Csillik <> wrote:

Hi, could you give me the number of the ticket?

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Asad Ali Aspose – File Format APIs

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csillikd commented 3 years ago

Hi, thank, but these are two different problems! This issue is abou the huge memory comsumption, there I am looking for a solution, but the referenced forum entry is about inserting PDFs into a PDF. The first one is very important, but the second one was just a question. The extrem memory consum leads under Linux to an automatic kill because of Out of memory, if I try to insert 12000 PNGs with the size of 4.5kb. Sorry if something was not clear!

shahzad-latif commented 3 years ago

@csillikd ,

Kindly post this query in our free support forum so you can get proper and timely support. Also we'll better able to log, track, and follow up this matter. Thanks.