I'm learning and start to understand how these tree-like command interfaces should look like.
% asreview makita -h
usage: asreview makita [-V] {template,add-script} [name]
asreview makita: error: the following arguments are required: tool
% asreview makita template -h
usage: asreview makita [-h] [--job_file JOB_FILE] [-s S] [-o O] [--init_seed INIT_SEED]
[--model_seed MODEL_SEED] [--template TEMPLATE] [--platform PLATFORM]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--job_file JOB_FILE, -f JOB_FILE
The name of the file with jobs. Default jobs.bat for Windows, otherwise jobs.sh.
-s S Dataset folder
-o O Output folder
--init_seed INIT_SEED
Seed of the priors. Seed is set by default!
--model_seed MODEL_SEED
Seed of the models. Seed is set by default!
--template TEMPLATE Overwrite template with template file path.
--platform PLATFORM Platform to run jobs: Windows, Darwin, Linux. Default: the system of rendering
% asreview makita add-script -h
usage: asreview makita [-h] [--all] [-o O]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--all, -a Add all scripts.
-o O Location of the scripts folder.
% asreview makita -h
usage: asreview makita [-h] [-V] [{template,add-script}]
positional arguments:
The internal tool to use (template or add-script).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
% asreview makita template -h
usage: asreview makita template [-h] [--job_file JOB_FILE] [-s S] [-o O] [--init_seed INIT_SEED]
[--model_seed MODEL_SEED] [--template TEMPLATE] [--platform PLATFORM]
positional arguments:
name The name of the template.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--job_file JOB_FILE, -f JOB_FILE
The name of the file with jobs. Default jobs.bat for Windows, otherwise jobs.sh.
-s S Dataset folder
-o O Output folder
--init_seed INIT_SEED
Seed of the priors. Seed is set by default!
--model_seed MODEL_SEED
Seed of the models. Seed is set by default!
--template TEMPLATE Overwrite template with template file path.
--platform PLATFORM Platform to run jobs: Windows, Darwin, Linux. Default: the system of rendering
% asreview makita add-script -h
usage: asreview makita add-script [-h] [--all] [-o O] [name]
positional arguments:
name The name of the script.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--all, -a Add all scripts.
-o O Location of the scripts folder.
I'm learning and start to understand how these tree-like command interfaces should look like.