asrivathsan / miniBarcoder

DNA barcoding using MinION
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Phoridae Illumina data for Srivathsan et al. (2019)? #3

Open peterjc opened 2 years ago

peterjc commented 2 years ago

I have been looking at this paper using miniBarcode:

Srivathsan et al. (2019) Rapid, large-scale species discovery in hyperdiverse taxa using 1D MinION sequencing

This described where to get the MinION data (PRJNA563237), but does not make it clear where the raw Illumina data is, i.e. this data:

Illumina barcodes were obtained for 6251 of the 7059 specimens with MinION barcodes using a different set of primers that amplified a 313-bp subset of the full-length barcodes

Is the Illumina data public?

asrivathsan commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the delay in getting back, I am in middle of a move and change of jobs, and things are a bit busy right now. I am attaching here the Illumina barcodes that were used for comparisons, this is a slightly larger set that encompasses all barcode sets.

I would like to add that we have developed a newer pipeline for MinION barcoding given the changes in the technology. You may check this software out: , described in . It has several additional datasets available. We are unlikely to maintain miniBarcoder, as raw data has become much more accurate.

peterjc commented 2 years ago

Thank you, I'm trying to keep an eye on MinION developments like that for environmental DNA, but my short term interest was in mock community Illumina barcode amplicon sequencing examples, as test sets for my own pipeline.