assaferan / ModFrmGL2

Extending magma's implementation of modular symbols to arbitrary congruence subgroups
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Magma v2.28-5 compatibility issue? #20

Open AndrewVSutherland opened 3 months ago

AndrewVSutherland commented 3 months ago

Example 1 in raises an error when run on Magma v2.28-5. Explicitly, running the commands

gens := [[1,3,12,3],[1,1,12,7],[1,3,0,3],[1,0,2,3]]; N := 16; H_N := sub<GL(2,Integers(N)) | gens>;
H := PSL2Subgroup(H_N);
H := RealTypeConjugate(H);
M := ModularSymbols(H, 2, Rationals(), 0);
S := CuspidalSubspace(M);

yields the error message

    M: Full modular symbols space of weight 2 and dimension 3 over ...
    M: Full modular symbols space of weight 2 and dimension 3 over ...
    i: 18,
    mlist: rec<recformat<k, F, R, coset_list, find_coset, n> | ...>
In file "/home/drew/dev/magma-2.28-5/package/Geometry/ModSym/core.m", line 368, 
column 11:
>>    p1list := mlist`p1list;
Runtime error: Field 'p1list' does not exist in this record
assaferan commented 3 months ago

That does not look good. I don't yet have Magma 2.28-5 (running 2.28-3), but it seems like this does not call may code at all. Notice that the function that gets called is in the original ModSym package (and not in ModFrmGL2). I'm not sure what would make that happen, but it probably means it's time to modify the names in order to prevent conflicting types.