assasafras / git_tutorial

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Job Failed: NZReports - Daily (3am) | Step 9 | Daily Updates EOT Strategy #34

Closed assasafras closed 8 years ago

assasafras commented 8 years ago


Executed as user: FLEXIRENT\syssqlint02. Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation. [SQLSTATE 01003] (Message 8153) profile name is not valid [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 14607). The step failed.


The profile being used by sp_EOTDailyEmail was 'Flexigroup Sales No Reply'


  1. Changed profile to be a parameter (@profile).
  2. Parametized recipients list too (@recip now instead of hard-coded string).
  3. Updated Job Step to reflect the new parameters

Note: Script for altering sp_EOTDailyEmail saved in "K:\PMO\Projects\1180 - FCM 2008 Upgrade\4. Deployment\Stored Procedures & Views\PRODAKL006P\NZReports"

assasafras commented 8 years ago

Working in UAT now.