assassint2017 / MICCAI-LITS2017

liver segmentation using deep learning
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A bug when test #6

Open mitiandi opened 5 years ago

mitiandi commented 5 years ago

I found a bug in '', which caused abnormal segmentation result ( a poor dice) in some case (eg. volume-54.nii). The number of its slices was divisible by 48 (the 3d patch's depth size),when it was split into test dataset, the value of variable 'count' will be equal 0,but such code { pred_seg = np.concatenate([pred_seg, outputs_list[-1][-count:]], axis=0) } will concentrate the last block (entire 3d 256×256×48 patches) on the segmentation result,which should been only used the last several slices (the number of slices which should be used = count) --------------------original code -----------------------------


if end_slice is not ct_array.shape[0] - 1:
    flag = True
    count = ct_array.shape[0] - start_slice
    ct_array_list.append(ct_array[-size:, :, :]

--------------------revised code--------------------------------


if end_slice is not ct_array.shape[0] - 1:
    count = ct_array.shape[0] - start_slice
    if count != 0:
        flag = True
        ct_array_list.append(ct_array[-size:, :, :])