assaultcube / AC

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Weapons are unbalanced #295

Open drian0 opened 3 years ago

drian0 commented 3 years ago

Several members of the community consider the AC weapons to be insufficiently balanced. This github issue is meant to record and document this problem even if no action/resolution is planned.

Weapon rebelancing in AC is not a necessity per se but nevertheless it is useful to collect data and collect opinions to gain a better understanding of the situation.


The ac primary weapons were designed to be of similar strength - depending on context and strategy. In close combat a certain primary weapon might be stronger while another weapon performs better in open areas. Overall this should result in players using different primary weapons which in turn should lead to the emergence of a rich and challenging battleground. This line of thought was roughly part of if the thought process. Even without precise data at hand it might be safe to say that this goal was not achieved.

For the sake of clarity let us define that a perfectly balanced weapon system would result in each primary weapon being used the same amount of game time - per game. Not averaged across many games and skill levels but per game. This is of course an extreme condition but it serves well for the purpose of discussion.

It is unrealistic to come reasonably close to a perfectly balanced weapon system. For example if you optimize for pub players you will cause imbalance for inter players and vice versa. The same can be observed in sports. Tennis or soccer played by pro's follows different rules compared to when its played by amateurs. In addition to that the people who design the rules can impossibly foresee how the increasing skill level of the players will lead to the emergence of new and often implicit rules and tactics. Nobody could possibly have foreseen how tennis or soccer is played by pro's today. The same applies to fps games. Your well balanced system of today will be unbalanced tomorrow.

Maybe the idea of a rich battleground with many players having different weapons is inherently incompatible with the free choice of primary weapons. If it is considered crucial to achieve such an ideal battleground in AC then the concept of free choice could be challenged or reviewed. There are many gray areas between the extremes that could be thought about and explored. For example, abundance of weapons (you cary all weapons) or scarcity of weapons (you start with few/no weapons and then you pick up weapons from dead players). And of course, keeping things the same is always an option e.g. sacrificing the ideal of the "ideal battleground".

Also, the presented thoughts/assumptions could be validated by looking at the stats of other fps game. For example it seems like in the counter-strike games only a handful of weapons are really used (AWP sniper rifle, AK/M4 assault rifle, desert eagle) and so if this highly successful game can not achieve an "ideal battleground" with free weapon choice then it is probably simply not possible at all.

RonaldReagan commented 3 years ago

I believe some of my older work with demo parsing (and maybe scraping/asking for some demos) may come in handy here to pull up some stats. Its been a long time since I worked on that so it may require some spin up time (I also have to find the code). What type of stats do we want to find? Mainly just playtime/damage/kills for each weapon?

drian0 commented 3 years ago

What type of stats do we want to find? Mainly just playtime/damage/kills for each weapon?

I think it could be even simpler. Just counting the seconds how long each player has had which weapon in his/her hands.

elmillion commented 3 years ago

I might be able to help you on this point

Since ~40 days I'm gathering data of inter servers (For a discord stat bot), at the end of each game. In the data there is the gun that the player had in his hands at the end of the match, we don't know if that is the weapon he used the whole game but that should still be able to give you an idea of the distribution :

1.2 Servers (6433 records)
GUNS(-1) : 0.54%
knife : 19.00%
pistol : 15.42%
carabine : 0.31%
shotgun : 0.95%
subgun : 48.87%
sniper : 7.27%
assault : 5.94%
grenade : 0.00%
akimbo : 0.85%
GUNS(9) : 0.84%

For some reasons we all switch to knife at the end of matches 😄

Games were played on these servers :

 aura1: 161
 aura2: 31
 mys1: 501
 mys11: 115
 mys111: 19
 mys1111: 52
 xrd4000: 145
 xrd5000: 67

I can provide the dataset if needed.

drian0 commented 3 years ago

Since you have measured this across many games this data is precise enough even if its just the last weapon. Thank you! This is very nice.

xLeXuSx commented 2 years ago

Well, I'll give you my opinion and dozens of other players on the competitive scene have the same opinion as mine. In version 1.1, AR was the best weapon and in the competitive scenario 90% of players used only AR. In version 1.2, SMG is the best weapon and in the competitive scenario 90% of players use only the SMG. So in the last 2 versions of Assault Cube "in the last 10 years", we never had a correct weapon balance " I mean, we never had". Why not think about it now? I already know that nothing is planned to change anything about weapons in that version 1.3, but this is completely wrong. Why not in version 1.3 implement the AR of version 1.1 with the SMG of 1.2? We would see in inters/clanmatches/tournaments 50% using AR / 50% using SMG, would that be much more fun and competitive?