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Compiling with Centos #439

Open vector2031 opened 2 years ago

vector2031 commented 2 years ago

What has happened to the compilation. Using Centos I come up with make clean && make install. Never been an issue. Now I get this. ../include/SDL_syswm.h:55:10: fatal error: 'windows.h' file not found

Ok so I tried just server make_install. Compiles but still will not connect to the MS.

What make it worse is that updating server list is clogged with older version servers. So there is only 1 second to see non responding servers.
I do not have a port forwarding issue.

I have included the server pass in my shell script. Also added it to servercmdline.txt

I have hosted many servers on the MS . I have never seen this issue. Weird is that previously I c;lean out bin-win32 and all excess files that are not linux based. It seems now I need to keep them ?

flowtron commented 2 years ago

the compilation may fail because SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_WINDOWS is defined for you .. I have no CENTOS to check this with; on linux this part of source/include/SDL_syswm.h should not be compiled.

The serverlist can be reduced to "only good servers" via the F7 key - or look in the F1 overview and check that option.

vector2031 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the replies. I have concluded the issue is with the key. To compile I switched from 'make clean && install server' to 'make clean && make server_install'. It compiled and the checksums work out. The 'bin_unix' directory now has both 64 client and server and the native server. Here is my bash script, with the addition of the key. It has always worked easily enough.


./bin_unix/native_server -PfkbMasRCDePtw -Y b701d078c1w7de2fe19336a19cb29cb33cd33eddebdbe775fda59bcd708e19d5 -T -kA10 -kB60 -McURD -D3 -Wdemos/lazy -n"\f3Lazy Server" -o"\f5Welcome to The Lazy Server" -c16 -f28763

It then returns an error invalid key. So can I confirm that a key produced from my local pc is valid on my servers ?

I cannot see a method of producing a key on a server with no graphic frontend. Perhaps I have misunderstood.