assemblee-virtuelle / semapps

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Add `foaf:PersonalProfileDocument` #1213

Open srosset81 opened 9 months ago

srosset81 commented 9 months ago

Some guys at Solid are trying to get WebID to become an official recommendation, by creating a superspec that would encompass the old one and add a reference to JSON-LD, without bringing in breaking changes since it's overused:

For the moment, it looks like this:

This sentence concerns us:

For WebIDs without fragment identifiers, an HTTP request on the WebID MUST return the status code 303 See Other with a Location header URI referring to the Identity Document.

So if I understand correctly, to be in the clear, we'd have to create a resource of type foaf:PersonalProfileDocument for each WebID, and link it to the WebID via this header 303.

simonLouvet commented 9 months ago

@lecoqlibre ?

csarven commented 8 months ago

I'd just like to clarify that, and as referenced in the first proposed WG charter, the Solid CG has only considered and proposed taking the WebID 1.0 ED as a deliverable (including editorial changes that are in but not yet published). Alternative draft proposals to WebID are neither mature, implemented, or have "wide" consensus.

As for your quote regarding "without fragment identifier" and 303, that's already captured in current WebID 1.0 ED: