assembly12 / Foxess-T-series-ESPHome-Home-Assistant

Read out Foxess T-Series Inverter to Home Assistant by using ESPHome
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Polling inverter instead of waiting for messages? #13

Open pontusfischer opened 1 year ago

pontusfischer commented 1 year ago

Hi, I have a somewhat related issue. I want to query my T4-G3 inverter using a Modbus extension for my smart home system (called Loxone). If I understand correctly this model of inverter simply sends a status package every 90 seconds whether you want to or not? Can you also ignore this and query the Modbus registers manually? I have the inverter on the same bus as a Fox ESS AIO-H3-8.0 which sort of complicates things :). The AIO can be queried and this is working fine but I need to talk to the T4-G3 as well. I would appreciate any input. Thanks in advance.

assembly12 commented 1 year ago

Hi, as far as I'm aware the T-Series can't be queried. I'm not even sure you can still call the protocol modbus, since there are no registers. The hybrid inverters from Foxess use a different protocol and can be queried, but with T-Series you are stuck the data package which is send every 90 to 120 seconds (depending on the firmware installed on the inverter). You should still be able to listen to this package, though. The package has the following characteristics:

pontusfischer commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I'm working on some arduino code to make these status packages available via modbus. What's the baudrate for the status packets?

assembly12 commented 1 year ago


you can take most of it from my code. The .h file is in c++ allready; just ignore the HomeAssistant stuff.

Danielxyz123 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thx for your work.

I tried your code on a G3-T10 and it works, but it seems that the sensorvalues doesn‘t fit all. Is there another byte setting for the 245 byte version? Some values for example in the picture..


assembly12 commented 1 year ago

Seems like your inverter might have a new firmware, where they added bytes to the header and or footer. To verify my suspicion you could try to add 4 to the bytes count.

So for example TwoByte grid_power_value; grid_power_value.Byte[0] = bytes[10]; grid_power_value.Byte[1] = bytes[9]; id(grid_power).publish_state(grid_power_value.UInt16); delay(50);

becomes TwoByte grid_power_value; grid_power_value.Byte[0] = bytes[14]; grid_power_value.Byte[1] = bytes[13]; id(grid_power).publish_state(grid_power_value.UInt16); delay(50);

You don't have to this to every sensor, just mayby one or two to verify this is actually the issue. Were you by any means generating around 4200W at the time you took the screenshot?

Danielxyz123 commented 1 year ago


thx for your answer.

it doesn‘t seems to be only a shift. I tried the shift by 4 but it was not correct i think. I took some more data to analyse it without shift. Look at the pictures. ![Uploading E1C42AD3-C0FE-4DE4-BB70-D2E35CA4EB06.jpeg…]()

Danielxyz123 commented 1 year ago


Danielxyz123 commented 1 year ago

424DD5F9-A6AE-4B0C-A7AC-81616B2C3D7F DD19ADEE-746C-4E28-BC68-487A8C498933 72A90949-BBB1-45E1-92C0-3D99AC77B0E1 70DA8273-D77D-4834-97A1-837542421D36 0D106036-F1A6-447D-921C-50D2950BFC97

Danielxyz123 commented 1 year ago


assembly12 commented 1 year ago

Thanks, those pictures are helpfull! I've been going over the numbers but can't figure it out yet. It definitely isn't far off, though! If it's not too much trouble, could you try to shift it 3, 5 and 6 as well. Alternatively you can try to read out the entire message in hex using uart debug.

Danielxyz123 commented 1 year ago

Ok,your are right. It‘s a shift by 6 bytes. It’s a little bit confusion without multiplicator. Cool, it works 👌🏻. But, why ist „generation power“ zero?

Danielxyz123 commented 1 year ago


assembly12 commented 1 year ago

hmm, do you have your inverter connected to your meter? What I'm suspecting now, is that they didn't add anything to the header, but instead added some sensors between "loads power" and "grid_voltage_r". Which would mean for every sensor before "grid_voltage_r" you would have to remove the shifting, or apply a different shifting (however always less than 6). See if you can figure it out, it's hard for me to do, since I don't know what "generation_power" should be at the time of the screenshot. If you're stuck please make a screenshot of the first 4 sensors and the expected value for "generation_power" and I'll see if i can figure it out.

Danielxyz123 commented 1 year ago

Yes the meter is connected... I think you are right. Unknown 1-3 are the shifted bytes.

succesfully read realtime data User data length: 238 Total message length: 251 unknown1 -1 unknown2 -6365 unknown3 0 grid_power 6678 generation_power 0 loads_power 313 grid_voltage_r 2335 grid_current_r 95 grid_frequency_r 4998 grid_power_r 2216 grid_voltage_s 2333 grid_current_s 96 grid_frequency_s 4998 grid_power_s 2237 grid_voltage_T 2307 grid_current_T 96 grid_frequency_T 4998 grid_power_T 2212 pv1_voltage 5594 pv1_current 113 pv2_voltage 2876 pv2_current 11 pv3_voltage 0 pv3_current 0 pv4_voltage 0 pv4_current 0

Danielxyz123 commented 1 year ago


assembly12 commented 1 year ago

ok, I understand now what they have changed. Try these bytes values for the first three sensors and it should give you the desired results.

TwoByte grid_power_value;
grid_power_value.Byte[0] = bytes[13];
grid_power_value.Byte[1] = bytes[11];

TwoByte generation_power_value;
generation_power_value.Byte[0] = bytes[16];
generation_power_value.Byte[1] = bytes[15];

TwoByte loads_power_value;
loads_power_value.Byte[0] = bytes[20];
loads_power_value.Byte[1] = bytes[19];